
By Joseph N - 19/06/2012 16:08 - United States

Today, a police officer came to talk to the kids at my workplace. He asked what they wanted to hear about first. A group of them shouted, "The donuts, tells us about the donuts." Apparently these idiots are the future of my country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 978
You deserved it 5 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you're overreacting. They are just kids.

At least they chose a subject the police know about.


timboslicer 4

Well if they're young then good, at that age wouldn't it be bad if they asked about the gun, crimes, and such

mrsmaglietta 6

Once I got in an accident and the highway patrol officer took me to krispy kreme

nicholasj96 9
hiandrews69 29

I love how people think that police officers always have guns and donuts on hand. Bank Robbery? "Easily solved by guns and donuts!" Yes, I've actually heard this from people in my neighborhood. Are they still "the village idiot" if there's more than one?

coolsunshinebear 14

Don't call the kids "idiots"... they're just tryna have a good time.. geez

well youre suppose to be teaching them it reflects on you

i understand. but you should teach them theres more to life than fried fat.

locky999 1

Too much The Simpsons, eh?

So as a kid you knew everything and were always able to separate stereo type jokes from reality?