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By Sam - 23/10/2022 22:00

Today, my girlfriend trusted me enough to tell me that she's trans. I have no problem with this, the problem is my sister overheard her. She ran and told our parents, who are also our landlords, so now either I dump the woman I love or we'll both be homeless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 170
You deserved it 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Depending on where you live, and if you live in a separate home as opposed to the same home renting a room, that may constitute illegal eviction and discrimination.

So show her that you are worthy of her trust and stand by her. You can always rent somewhere else. Don't be just another brick in the wall, her dysphoria is already hell to live with.


So show her that you are worthy of her trust and stand by her. You can always rent somewhere else. Don't be just another brick in the wall, her dysphoria is already hell to live with.

Depending on where you live, and if you live in a separate home as opposed to the same home renting a room, that may constitute illegal eviction and discrimination.

even then, if you rent a room there are rules in a lot of places. where I am if you have certain separate utilities like bathroom, or washer/dryer it can be considered separate dwelling and require legal eviction paperwork etc. but if op is just "contributing to the family" it may not matter depending on location as he would not be a "legal tenant" regardless due to the family relation. the hoops get weird.

mattiagardin 15

How the hell did you not know?? Are you blind?

Well, maybe she has already had all her surgeries. Some transpersons pass really, really well.

It's very possible to not know, especially if the person has had gender affirming surgery and/or has taken really well to hormones. The "you can always tell" thing is total bullshit.

Sue them for discrimination. If you're on a lease, it'll help you more.

Can two adults not afford a small apartment? I've known multiple couples who have lived in a 500sq ft apt. For $600 a month, feels like you should be able to find options if you have any income at all.

Call your local housing authorities to see what your options are and go punch your sister in the face what a **** you need to cut that toxic bitch out of your life and your toxic ass parents too tell them to grow the **** up. 🤦‍♂️

Maybe also look at the Trevor project. I believe this is an initiative that helps transpersons with housing etc. Why is such a project neccesary, you ask. Because even in this modern age transpersons get evicted passed over for employment, beaten up etc. for no reason whatsoever other than the fact that they are trans.

I call cap on this. there's no way you couldn't have known. absolutely no way

Hate to break it to you, that's no woman. He's just playing woman face