
By Joseph N - 19/06/2012 16:08 - United States

Today, a police officer came to talk to the kids at my workplace. He asked what they wanted to hear about first. A group of them shouted, "The donuts, tells us about the donuts." Apparently these idiots are the future of my country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 978
You deserved it 5 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you're overreacting. They are just kids.

At least they chose a subject the police know about.


ffgghytt 3

Hopefully thay wernt in high school because then I would be worried

That doesn't make them idiots, they're just little kids with good senses of humor.

They're just kids. besides, you work there because of them. Go find another job were you wont go online and complain about useless crap!

Depending on how old the kids were, there's probably a story on MLIA about how some hilarious kid in their class asked the police about donuts.

EpicFail1520 16

Well that is what the only thing policemen are good for.. Buying those donuts, in other words those kids were on the right track

How'r you gonna call a bunch of kids idiots??

cherry72 13

Definitely an original punishment lol parents ftw!