
By Joseph N - 19/06/2012 16:08 - United States

Today, a police officer came to talk to the kids at my workplace. He asked what they wanted to hear about first. A group of them shouted, "The donuts, tells us about the donuts." Apparently these idiots are the future of my country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 978
You deserved it 5 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you're overreacting. They are just kids.

At least they chose a subject the police know about.


Really Their just kids I wouldnt be talkin shit about the ppl who help u

They are kids you ******* retard. Jesus Christ.

Did you guys not remember that there ******* KIDS!? Nuff' said.

I'll say it again, call a crackhead next time you need help. Me and all the other cops will be helping people who aren't so ignorant.

rainbowcabbage 4

Take a chill pill. They're just joking. I'm top of my class and that sounds like something I'd do.

There was no need to call them idiots.

iwishicould 7

You're calling children idiots? That's a jerk move. Just because they are stereotypical now doesn't mean they are unintelligent or that they will always believe that.

babysittingfail 0

Hahahaha excellent!!!! ????????????????

babysittingfail 0

Let me add to my "amen!" comment.... I meant about the donut question because it is pure GENIUS!!!! That kid is gonna cure cancer. But seriously, if you call something so pure and innocent such as a child an idiot because of a lack of worldly experience when they've only just begun their time in the world, you've got some issues to work out with yourself....