
By Joseph N - 19/06/2012 16:08 - United States

Today, a police officer came to talk to the kids at my workplace. He asked what they wanted to hear about first. A group of them shouted, "The donuts, tells us about the donuts." Apparently these idiots are the future of my country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 978
You deserved it 5 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you're overreacting. They are just kids.

At least they chose a subject the police know about.


pengin 13

These kids aren't "idiots", they're just interested in the supposed stereotypes. lol XDD Give 'em a break. I mean, anyway acknowledging stereotypes and actually being an idiot are different. Also, what did the policeman say about the donuts? I'm curious lolol

ChickenLisp 1

Kids will be kids, OP. No need to get so worked up about it; their joke doesn't necessarily indicate that they don't acknowledge or respect the service that police officers provide.

aLeXaNdRaAMW 2

Okay I don't mean to go off here but aren't kids supposed to be dumb?! THEY ARE KIDS! Don't you think it's smart that they even asked about something that is sonewhat related to a policeman. Plus If you work at a place with children then that means that you are a teacher of some kind or you run some kind of a daycare/ babysitting service. Therefore their "idiotic" question is a result of your poor instruction. If you think that they are idiots then it is YOUR job to fix them. I'm sure the kids have heard that whole donut thing there whole lives anyway so grow up.

Most of them are. I'm only 15 and I think a bunch of people are complete idiots, not only the teens. .-. So don't bag on us, dude. Adults are stupid, too.

dobbyisfreeeeeee 10

When you were that age I doubt you would have been too keen on, say, criminal justice legislation either. Give them the benefit of the doubt.

Would you rather the cop tell them about the rampant corruption or how he abuses his power on a daily basis?

And oh children are Not idiots! Children can Only learn what their elders teach them! It's sad what this world is coming to but we've Only got ourselves to blame for what we teach the younger generations!!

These idiots? I'm appalled by your choice of words.. I'm a kindergarten teacher and kids will be kids especially if they are really young. I would have laughed jus because they are kids. I feel sorry for them knowing that their teacher is an asshole. If anything I'm worried that someone like you is allowed to teach the future generation.

marisadc79 0

Couldn't have said it better myself and fully agree thumbs up for you