
By Joseph N - 19/06/2012 16:08 - United States

Today, a police officer came to talk to the kids at my workplace. He asked what they wanted to hear about first. A group of them shouted, "The donuts, tells us about the donuts." Apparently these idiots are the future of my country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 978
You deserved it 5 116

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think you're overreacting. They are just kids.

At least they chose a subject the police know about.


hillorie 14
RedPillSucks 31

Being a cop involves hours of boredom separated by moments of absolute adrenaline and terror. Let the cops eat their donuts in piece.

you can thank sponge Bob for that. and to anyone who says there just kids try Finland kids and ask the same question you'll a much different answer.

They are only kids. You may be over reacting. Are they 5-8 that is expected. Better than asking about drugs.

noisebox 1

Yeah but have you seen the cops these days ? Dangerous doughnut eaters

justinrich 0

Dude you are a ******* douche bag you deserve it for talking shit about kids remember those kids will be takin care of you when your in a nursing home

First, like so many others mentioned, you specifically use the terms kids. What did you expect? Second, if you're going to be so negative and have such a disheartening attitude I'm afraid you are more of a problem than anyone else in their lives. Instead of encouragement you sound like the kind of person who just sighs, rolls your eyes, and says something you think is witty and intelligent but only serves to put everyone else beneath your "level". Let me tell you the future doesn't look so bleak when the present is full of people like you.

Agreed! I am a kindergartener teacher myself and I am appalled by their actions.

TxCountryBeauty 10

You should take your job as an opportunity to change the future. You can impact those kids lives and you should take every moment to point them in the right direction...

phograph 5