Emo phase

By Anizzaf - 27/01/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I picked up my cat and he went wild because I didn't know he was sleeping. I ended with with several cuts, and one on my wrist. Later, a kid in my high school saw my wrist and told my guidance counselor, who told my parents. Now everyone thinks I'm either a liar, attention whore, or emo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!


sblove 0

ok yes this totally happened with me and my cat. instead of people thinking that i cut myself i jus have the fear that people will think i cut myself.

Omg, that sucks... Including your parents? Sheesh, I'll bet they have you in therapy now.... Blegh

Vampire_princess 0

People suck. I wear a jacket alot because I'm cold natured, and people think I'm a cutter now

I get that too a girl ripped my hoodie trying to take it off me because I cut I'm hand wrist an arm on glass and I got scars on my wrist and arm from Many things and to top it of I'm a metalhead

Same frickin' think happened to me. -_- It was annoying.

xSceneSceneBabyx 0

some people are such stereotypical bitches.

haha the opposite happened to me. i purposley cut my arm and when people asked me i said my cat got pissed.

nyleika 0

My god same here! I love my cat, and i pet him all the time, but he has this thing where he'll recieve attention for awhile, then go all psyco-cat on me and shred my arms ! I have so many scars from that cat, and everyone calls me "emo"

Lawzen_Rainbow 7

oi. stop saying its an "emo" thing. its a real issue to cut. emo is a style idiot

RickyMichelle 7

Exactly. The people that are saying that it's an emo thing obviously don't have a clue what emo means.

YDI for owning a cat. get a dog next time

koolkat27 13

dogs are gross and they smell like shit.

koolkat27 13

dogs are gross and they smell like shit.