Emo phase

By Anizzaf - 27/01/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I picked up my cat and he went wild because I didn't know he was sleeping. I ended with with several cuts, and one on my wrist. Later, a kid in my high school saw my wrist and told my guidance counselor, who told my parents. Now everyone thinks I'm either a liar, attention whore, or emo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!


zach055 23

One of the most annoying things in the world is when people think they're being nice when really there being really mean and insensitive. One time my friend, who's a girl, got a very bad rash on her face from an allergic reaction. She called the doctor and he said that all she would do was wait for it to go away. So she went to school the next day and everyone, thinking they were being nice, told her she should go to the nurse because she looked "horrible." One teacher even said she could die, which is complete BS because it was only a temporary reaction.

boreddoubletears 0

Poor baby. People care about her, oh know! Being caring and willing to overstep a boundary can save a life, i.e. mine.

a7xgirl25 0

i always have cuts on my wrists and arms from my cat lol. i get asked if im emo all tye time XD


Being emo isn't that bad. it's definatley better than an attention ***** or a liar. I cut and only 3 people besides me know about it. and those people are the ones I trust with my life. emos aren't what everybody say they are I've cut for a long time and I still have a girlfriend and alot of friends(not all emo but some are). and i dont go home everyday after school and cry and write in journals or online about how i want to die or shit like that.I personally don't cut because I have life problems it relieves stress in me. I also don't cut where everybody can see it if I don't wear long sleeves. if anybody has ever been caught because they cut their wrists and you still have the urge to cut just do it on your shoulder. and to anybody who will correct me on my grammar or call me a fag because I cut, grow up this is the ******* Internet you don't have to spell perfect on the Internet and yes I wear skinny jeans and have long hair but those are by choice I don't do it took 'look emo' that's how I dress I'm not gay or bi. I'm just trying to make a point

Chocolate_Chunk 2

You sure are eager to point out you're not gay. Suspicious.


oh and alot of people consider the words 'emo, goth, and scene' stereotyping. so please don't use those words towards me. I don't really give a **** but it is stereotyping if you saw somebody with long hair that wears skinny jeans most of you would have the impression that they are emo. I just ask that if you are going to use those words please don't direct them towards me. thanks:)

lubot_266 7

i blamed it on a cat once too. lol. good times.

ipodlover1995 0

Something similar happened to me. When I was in Arizona alone with my cousin, I fell in the desert and got scratches on my wrist. My friends thought I was having emotional issues and freaked out :P

my entire school called me emo for wearing black and listening to My Chem. Then the same thing happened to me. I know how much this sucks. good luck!

My Chemical Romance? I love them! But I cry whenever I listen to their music, so...

myunicornbarfedo 0

god I hate that!!! My animals have cut my wrist and now Im categorized as emo. it is soooo annoying!!!