Emo phase

By Anizzaf - 27/01/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I picked up my cat and he went wild because I didn't know he was sleeping. I ended with with several cuts, and one on my wrist. Later, a kid in my high school saw my wrist and told my guidance counselor, who told my parents. Now everyone thinks I'm either a liar, attention whore, or emo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!


ChelsBearr 0
iAmMyBeLoVeDs 0

Don't use the term 'emo' to mean cutter. First of all, that's bullshit. People shouldn't be that stupid. I know friends that get cut by their animals all the time and nobody accuses them. Cutter's are more secretive than that. I would know, I am one. This FML is just plain ****** up and hurtful to people that actually have that problem. YDI for not looking to see if your cat was asleep beeteedubbs.

I use to cut too. I HATED it when people called me emo because I didn't get along with the emo's at my school. I'm not saying they are all like this, but the ones at my school were walking stereotypes who just wanted attention and liked to piss people off. And anytime something got 'too popular' all of a sudden it wasn't 'cool' anymore because 'it's too mainstream now.' How annoying!

"cutters are more secretive than that. I would know, I am one." wow real secretive.

lol thats funny all my cuts i got i blamed my cat and dog even though they werent from them

I hate when people stereotype people based on one little thing. If you cut, it doesn't mean you're emo. People need to get that in their head. Most emo people don't even actually cut! They're actually the nicest people you can find, most are really kind when you get to know them.

ebwaef 0

People judge so so much for cutting. I used to cut myself because my ex was really disrespectful of my body, and then told everyone I was ugly after ditching me. I felt fat and ugly all the time. Somehow the word got out, and now everyone thinks I'm a selfish freak. I understand that we live in America and have a lot to be thankful for, but that doesn't mean people shouldn't get sad. I have always focused on being loving and kind to everyone, but with one stupid mistake, everyone who thought I was so great has turned against me. As if various scars, including the word 'ugly' etched into my skin, don't haunt me enough. A lot of people regret and struggle with cutting. It's not funny. Please don't judge people for their mistakes, because most cutters hate themselves enough already.

I know how you feel. I use to cut too. I am a girl and I was repeatedly sexually abused by my female cousin growing up. She moved in with me my senior year because her mom kicked her out. I had been cutting since I was eight and still nobody noticed until that year. Its kinda funny because I always wore short sleeves and I danced. I kinda went crazy that year. I haven't cut since she moved out almost three years ago. BTW my parents didn't know what she did to me until after she moved out.

If it scars use Mederma cuz it rlly works and im sorry!

hausmad1 3

Why wud that kid tell someone, I mean even if u were doing it, it's definelty not his buisness

I use to cut and I was NOT emo. There is a big difference. Emo is a bunch if whiny douchbags who are depressed for no reason and listen to whiny douchbag music like Hawthorne Heights. Being a cutter is completely different. Qhen you cut it means you are depressed and afraid to ask for help. It is a silent, desperate scream. Most of tjose 'emo' kids are just idiots who want attention.

Raivyn_Grimm 9

It's not always a silent, desperate scream. Sometimes, it isn't a cry for help in any way. I, for example, have a completely genetic/medical depression - my brain just doesn't produce enough chemicals to stabalize my mood. Combine this with masochistic tendencies and an addictive personality, and what do you get? A line of scars up my thigh and side that make my leg and rib look like a ******* train track. And now, five years later and treated with a maxiumum prescribable dose of anti-depressants, I no longer cut... but I always get to see those god damn lines every day. And to all who think of cutting, even just once - DON'T ******* DO IT, BRO. It honest to god is addictive. Science has proven it. Anywhoosies, time to climb down from my soapbox. OP, that sucks. Don't you hate it when people think you're lying even when you're not, and insist that you tell the truth even though you already are?

and then there are those people with real diagnosed depression (me), that realize that cutting does not solve your problems and actually makes them worse and don't do that.

People are very quick to jump to conclusions; I knew a girl who thought I cut myself for literally no other reason than that it was October and I wore a long-sleeved sweatshirt every day to keep warm. All the people making up crap about you in their minds will soon realize they're wrong, I'm sure. Anyone who doesn't is probably not someone you should concern yourself with. And like others have already said, you can at least be happy that someone's watching out for you.