Emo phase

By Anizzaf - 27/01/2009 17:44 - United States

Today, I picked up my cat and he went wild because I didn't know he was sleeping. I ended with with several cuts, and one on my wrist. Later, a kid in my high school saw my wrist and told my guidance counselor, who told my parents. Now everyone thinks I'm either a liar, attention whore, or emo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 251
You deserved it 3 142

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't just take that from people. You can use this and call it your own: "Shut the **** up. I don't care what you THINK you know. You probably don't even really care; if you did, you'd believe me when I tell you that it was the ******* cat. No. You just want to act like a big fat ******* saint so you can bask in your own self-satisfaction and tell everyone how you were nice to the lowly, pitiful cutter. Get off your God-damned pedastal and go die in a fire you sanctimonious ****."

this has happened to me before - all my friends think I'm a cutter. Cuts went real deep and i'm permanently scarred!


The_9th_Doctor 18

everyone knows that if you're really trying to kill yourself that you go 'down the river, not across it'

gazettefan42 8

Similar thing happened to me. I was playing with my cat and she got to ruff and my dad thought I had cut myself

happened to me and it was deep. my parents thought i was lieing lol

Just because someone cuts doesn't mean they're emo. It could mean they have a mental illness like Major Depressive Disorder and desperately want help but their illness prevents them from feeling like their worth helping so they can't ask for it and instead do things like cut themselves hoping someone notices and then helps. Or, so I hear.

Your picture matches perfectly with your comment

you know what? there are people out there like me who have severe depression and actually got help instead of resorting to slicing their skin open. because really, it just makes matters worse and there is no logical reason to do it besides attention.

That happens to me all the time when I try and bathe my rats :P just wear long sleeves, it's in style somewhere

I think the saying should go "let sleeping cats lie"

It's sad that people would automatically assume that you are an "attention *****" or an "emo" even if you did do that.

MBrabs1996 22

It's funny. I have the issue with cutting but whenever people accidentally see my scars, they don't give two ***** so at least you have people that care.