
By peallow - 12/05/2013 05:01 - Puerto Rico - San Juan

Today, I asked my father if he was proud that I have never done drugs, never drank alcohol, never had sex, never had psychological problems, never been to the hospital for something serious, never been in a fight and maintain good grades. He told me I was a boring daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 145
You deserved it 20 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ApollosMyth 22

Well, fishing for compliments never turns out as you hoped, does it?

Well you can rest easy knowing that the FML community are proud of you. Good work!


Sadly, any accomplishment that this might be is completely eclipsed by your narrow mind.

At least ur not mental or something

But i do totally get what you mean OP.. :)

I can only agree with your dad, you sound very boring, the point of life is to live. You should try it! You'll lie it

Red045 7

I think that you are an amazing person and that he should be proud of all that, I know I would be if you were my daughter (and it was like 20 years in the future cause I'm only 17 haha)

schambers23 4

I just pray that my daughters will both one day ask me the same question.

Thats the same thing my husband would say. I'd say thats what any good father would want. :)

I say that's perfect, marriage on the cards??

Psychological problems aren't something you buy on a street corner. Get outside & live, OP.

You deserve it for digging for compliments.