This is mine now

By K……y - 06/09/2024 16:00 - United States - Atlanta

Today, my new couch was delivered. As the delivery guys left, I came back into the living room and noticed a bad but familiar smell. I turned the couch cushions over to discover that my cat had already claimed it as her personal litter tray. The return policy doesn’t cover "cat defilement." FML
I agree, your life sucks 202
You deserved it 415

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You want to go to Amazon and get Ecosharkz best cat urine remover. It's enzyme based and does actually remove ALL the smells of cat mess. It'll save your sofa and it also stops cats going back to the same spot. Well worth the cash, the bottle lasts ages. My last cat had Kidney failure and dementia and she was... Well, if she couldn't see a litterbox, it didn't get used. This stuff saved most of my furniture and rugs.

d j mom 7

get a bottle of Pooph. It really works!


You want to go to Amazon and get Ecosharkz best cat urine remover. It's enzyme based and does actually remove ALL the smells of cat mess. It'll save your sofa and it also stops cats going back to the same spot. Well worth the cash, the bottle lasts ages. My last cat had Kidney failure and dementia and she was... Well, if she couldn't see a litterbox, it didn't get used. This stuff saved most of my furniture and rugs.

d j mom 7

get a bottle of Pooph. It really works!