By notalcoholic - 09/12/2009 05:29 - Philippines

Today, my roommate gave me a self-help book on alcoholism for my birthday. He's an alcoholic. I gave him that book around 8 months ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 073
You deserved it 5 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shaynaxnicole 0

people need to chill. He didn't actually say he got his roommate this for his roommate's birthday. it is kind of assumed, but still, read it through. He might of just been trying to help his friend. your getting mad at a guy, that you don't know, for giving a shit ? think it through.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

I agree. But on the other hand, it's a nice gesture, it shows OP was worried about his roomate. But OP, are you guys friends? Beyond being roommates? If not, it's kind of rude and random to give that kind of a gift.


lol that sux but guys don'tpike getting that kind of help. but at least you tried:)

hey kid wanna buy some coke... how bout some pepsi... got some real nice dr pepper

waterynuggets 0

ummm Im third so.... yeah i'm gonna go

zanthrax 0

YDI for trying to help people that don't want help. Also, self-help books don't work on people that do not consider their problem a problem.

Dr_Pepper_fml 3

Exactly. YDI. Mind your own damn business.

bugmenotmofo 34

Now you know how he felt when you gave him the book he'd originally given you for your birthday last year. "My name's notalcoholic and I'm an alcoholic"

Reality_bites 14

Oh well I guess you can help him with his problem by reading the book.

YDI. If he didn't ask for help with his problem it was probably a pretty offensive gift. At least he's just giving you a bad gift instead of a bad gift with an offensive implication.

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

I agree. But on the other hand, it's a nice gesture, it shows OP was worried about his roomate. But OP, are you guys friends? Beyond being roommates? If not, it's kind of rude and random to give that kind of a gift.

Preach it Twinkle! Also 14 is right, from my experience with college it sounds like you guys are just roommates, not friends. In that case it would just be a dick thing to do to give that book.

Haha that kind of reminds me of Leo from That 70s Show. "Shit you gave that to me man? Oh well thank you man, but you can have it, the pages don't make very good rolling papers." I think he was hinting that it was the crappiest gift you could give.

kinda like somthing ron white said. ''Mabie Mabie im the one with the problems''

YDI. You wouldn't need alcohol if you listened to Clay Aiken. Take the hint from your roomate.