Excuses excuses

By SharpeOne - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that my parents didn't come to my wedding not because they couldn't make it, but rather that my younger brother didn't want to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 201
You deserved it 2 659


Maybe he wanted to relax at home and play Call of Duty.

Still not a good reason for not going to his own brother's or sister's wedding

How old is your little brother?... I mean your parents still could of left him home with a babysitter if they really wanted to go, just sayin'

But they could either not find a babysitter, or not trust babysitters to begin with.

RachelBerry_fml 5

well that makes you the akward turdle of the family ... esh im not making sense..

you lil brothers a douche, kick him in the nuts

What nuts? OP's bro doesn't have the balls to show up at his sister/brother's wedding.

xxdominicanqnxx 0
Meddle 0

The wedding is about you and your husband/wife not which family members can turn up and fake their cheery little smiles the longest. Its about the relationship you are going to be building, and in a sense making your own family less dependable.

hasards 8

Huh, that's a good point actually. It's your parents who miss out when they decide not to attend. If all goes well, we're talking about a once in a lifetime opportunity (which they, in their ignorance, have completely passed up). I hope you enjoyed yourselves and had a good time regardless of their absence.

I cant imagine any parents that would do that. They should've just left your brother and come.

Yeh, I really don't understand. If they really wanted to come they could have easily just forced him to go; or simply planned ahead of got someone to look after him while they left. Even if it was at short notice, they would have found a way (even if it meant paying a lot). Sounds like some unfortunate stuff is happening...

Sounds like there are some deep complicated issues that are going on with this FML (obviously OP couldn't explain). Like OP has never got on with her parents, or have some messed up relationship ect ect Well whatever the circumstances, FYL OP. I'm sorry they couldn't make it, but be happy you got to have a special day with your new husband. That's the most important thing!