Excuses excuses

By SharpeOne - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff

Today, I found out that my parents didn't come to my wedding not because they couldn't make it, but rather that my younger brother didn't want to go. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 201
You deserved it 2 659


Ermm... Are you Asian or something? Because in some chinese families, men are more important and cherished than girls. :L

Excuses. They just didn't want to go. ♥

f4everenergy 0

Maybe ur bro dated ur wife before?

Maybe bro was mad because OP didn't make him the best man. If the family was part of the wedding procession, they totally wouldn't ditch.

obviously they don't love you as much...just move on.

DanceGenius1205 5
LouderThanEver 0
btnhdude 0

jk?! jk?! no punch him for real!!!!

so they decided both to stay with him? they didn't want to come.

Well, if your parents care that much for your little brother and not you, if I was in your shoes I wouldn't have invited them in the first place. Granted you had figured this out already. As well, somehow I don't think we're hearing the whole story in this fml...

RosiePatosie 0