Eye bleach

By Anonymous - 06/05/2009 01:39 - United States

Today, my grandparents are in town for the weekend and are staying in our guest bedroom. This morning I went upstairs to get a drink of water, only to see my 75 year-old grandfather standing stark naked with the fridge door open. He then asked me if we had any coffee creamer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 503
You deserved it 2 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seti_fml 0

all i can say is "lol" to that... you don't deserve it and you're life isn't really fed, its just a humorous story.

I hope you were polite enough to direct him to the creamer. And that's not really an FML, more like "a side effect of people getting old" and "it's bound to happen eventually."


today, my gf askd for cofee creamer. i told her i dont have cofee creamer, will cum work. it was my gramma. and she wanted the cum. fml

This made my day reading this :D I've seen worse, trust me >,<'

arandomer 0

OP, why's your fridge upstairs?

bmxerboy14 0

You shoulda been like yeah it's right next to the awkward in the cabinet to your left then casually strolled out

And when grandpa tuned around to ask OP, his low-hung balls hit the tray in the fridge and knocked off a bottle of juice, then he bent over to get that juice, butt-greeting OP a very lovely morning.... **** my imagination...