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By Anonymous - 26/07/2024 05:00

Today, I was on a one day business trip to America, literally, one day, I didn’t even need a hotel, just straight back to the airport. I woke up in hospital, an AMERICAN hospital, because I got a blood clot from the flight and needed surgery. The bill is astronomical and I’m uninsured. FML
I agree, your life sucks 673
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Georgina 3

oh yeah, it's expensive as **** to have your life saved here. Good luck!

Sorry. We totally suck at healthcare. Good thoughts and warm hugs but it doesn’t pay the bill.


Sorry. We totally suck at healthcare. Good thoughts and warm hugs but it doesn’t pay the bill.

Georgina 3

oh yeah, it's expensive as **** to have your life saved here. Good luck!

TomeDr 24

When you get the bill, call the hospital and work out a payment plan. You’d be surprised how willing they are to work with you.

Wadlaen 23

I'd recommend you put your next business trip to Norway - we have free healthcare! And good luck in your current situation!

It might be worth checking if your home country's health insurance or travel insurance can help cover some of the costs. Additionally, some hospitals offer financial assistance or payment plans for those who are uninsured. Reaching out to a patient advocate at the hospital might also provide you with some options and guidance on how to manage the bill.

awrb 3

Are you self employed or an employee? if you’re an employee, and you were traveling for work, then you should be covered by your employer’s workers compensation insurance, no?

Welcome to America! Make sure to ask for an itemized receipt and then question them line by line you will see your bill diminish