
By Anonymous - 06/11/2009 00:40 - United States

Today, I got to work in the ER at the local hospital. A lady came in with high blood sugar. She was concerned because the same thing happened to her husband. I reassured her, telling her she'd be back with her husband in an hour or so. Her husband died four years ago from something similar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 499
You deserved it 7 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OH my gosh!! That's horrible. It's okay, though. This is definitely not your fault. How could you have known?

perdix 29

Tell her it will be harder for you to send her home than to send her to Jesus. See what she chooses.


Sounds like your prognosis was right on, doc.

Kuroftw 0

It seems like her life sucks a little bit more than hers after you made that comment lol but I know what you mean, I'd feel AWFUL after saying something like that

I bet she wouldn't know that you knew her husband died..,so you probably clear:..hope all goes well OP...