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Bigmouth strikes again

By Anonymous - 09/09/2009 09:58 - New Zealand

Today, I was working at a hospital-level rest home. I was making the rounds when I noticed a woman was sitting in her (electric) wheelchair in the middle of the hall. Going closer, I saw her battery was flat so I said, "Uh-oh! Looks like you've died." She bawled her eyes out and said, "Not yet." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 535
You deserved it 54 636

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ydi for saying something like that as a rest home. And who says that? If my phone runs out of battery I don't tell people i'm dead. YDI.


DoomJeff91 2

If ZING is the new first, I'm gonna kill someone.

HahaYDI 0

Yeah and ZANG=Second, these FMLers are getting smarter. Not really.

Actually. I was trying to think of something witty and sarcastic to say, but the only thing to come to mind was "ZING!"

Why does electric have to be in parentheses

Ydi for saying something like that as a rest home. And who says that? If my phone runs out of battery I don't tell people i'm dead. YDI.

i say i'm dead?? thought it was pretty common... lol

totalbadass 0

Cause a wheelchair is technically an extension of the body if you're handicapped. If it dies, so do you, because you become effectively nonfunctional.

ArielTheMermaid 17

Well it's kinda like when people's phones vibrate, and they yell 'I'm vibrating!' OP: that's totally something I would do. Just apologize and move on :)

noobgang7 5

noooo that's really sad... imagine living all alone for the last years of your life

r u souless or something??? cause that comment was just horrible!

Bwahahaha! Instantly favorited. I could totally see myself doing something like that. No reason to mull over it though. Apologize, say you didn't mean it like that, and move on.

burnquist764 0

That's what you get for talking to an inanimate object.

netbeui435 3

ydi. time for some sensitivity training.

lol sounds more like a bad choice of words than any kind of lack of sensitivity.

I agree with 13, that was a stupid thing to say...

Wouldn't using bad choices of words be a sensitivity thing? Not thinking how they will be received before u say it.