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Father of the year

By Anonymous - 31/05/2020 05:00

Today, I realised that anyone who claims they enjoyed spending quality time together with their spouse and children during quarantine is a liar, a big fat liar. I know my kids aren’t even 10 yet, but god, I can’t wait for them to get houses of their own and move the fuck out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 813
You deserved it 2 051

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

Guess you should have done a better job raising them, or spending time with them as they grew. I've mostly been playing DnD, video games, card games, board games, RC cars, and watching TV and movie with the kids and wife, and loving it.

Nhayaa 21

Then why did you have them in the first place?


tounces7 27

Guess you should have done a better job raising them, or spending time with them as they grew. I've mostly been playing DnD, video games, card games, board games, RC cars, and watching TV and movie with the kids and wife, and loving it.

Other than not having a break homeschooling two boys (3 & 7) while heavily preggo (due in 3 weeks..), It's been lovely! My husband works from home during this and he's 'home from work' on time without the commute! It's been lovely, kids have been understandably good overall! We play video games and do activities, walk around the neighbourhood. It's been nice being able to just stay home and doing homework at their own pace during the day! I do understand pre-teen drama of wanting to be with friends and hitting puberty, that may be a completely different battle in itself. But as tounces7 said above, spend time with them and their interests! Plugging them into something and getting upset they can't handle a quarantine as well as an adult is doing them and yourself a disservice!

Boyufd 24

damn I get kids are annoying but you choosed to keep them instead of giving them up, so that's on you

You can never know how they are going to turn out. By the time you realize they are assholes, it's too late to put them up for adoption. Sure, there are adoption agencies that say they'll take older kids, but they are difficult to place, so they usually put them down before you've pulled out of the parking lot.

Nhayaa 21

Then why did you have them in the first place?

Because people like to ****. Kids are a side effect.

Vesi 29

There are MANY ways to prevent said "side-effect". OP should have practiced at least 2 of them.

A pretty high price to pay for about 20 minutes of fun on some random night. Isn’t it?

Mathalamus 24
icalledhisname 12

Jeez, the negative comments here. As the mother of a high needs 6 year old who is in the care of a psychiatric hospital, I can tell you that sometimes parenting has no effect on stubborn children. I’ve done everything right in raising her, which has been confirmed by her care team, and it doesn’t matter. She is very difficult. So I feel the OP with difficult children. Where I don’t feel the OP is where they said whatever about not believing anyone can enjoy quality time with their families in quarantine. Just because they don’t doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t. It sounds to me like they may have a touch of depression and could benefit from speaking to a doctor. Good luck, OP. Ignore the negative comments — they just don’t understand.

SerenaIncendia 11

so you left your 6 year old in the care of the broken mental health system.. and you're randomly diagnosing someone's kids with "a touch of depression." lol get some ******* help 🤦🏼‍♀️

ojoRojo 27

Yeahhh kinda seems like you’re the exception rather than the rule. I’ve loved having my husband home these past couple months. Due with our first in August and it’s given us a chance to spend quality time together and prepare for the baby.

JillianJuneBug 39

It’s disturbing how much people on this site hate children

Nhayaa 21

We don't really hate them (well as a matter of fact I do but I can't speak for the others), we just start questioning the injunction of the society that says "HAVE BABIES!". Thanks but no thanks. And you'd better get used to it because it's a generation change.

As a parent I sympathize. There are those times you look forward to an empty house but in truth you love the little ***** to the core.