
By notgoth - 27/07/2014 22:17 - Netherlands - Rijen

Today, I went to a bar with my best friend, and some guys came up to us and started flirting with her and offering her a drink. I felt a bit left out and started joking that "I'm thirsty too". One guy looked at me, cringed and said, "No, I don't buy drinks for weird girls." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 652
You deserved it 8 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you could say the thirst was real.

And what do we call women who think they can sponge off of men who have no interest in them what so ever? Pigs would be if they expected to have sex because they bought a drink. Men who have preferences and standards are far from pigs.


At this point your best friend should have decked the guy in the face and stormed away with you to get absolutely bladdered and dance the night away.

draikon 4

Yes because violence again men is a joke, and if a woman feels offended by something a man says, she has the right to deck him... Are you serious? Obviously you aren't a hypocrite, so next time you make a snarky comment to someone making a passive aggresive dig for attention, that person can totally go ahead and deck you aswell right, cause we are all about equality, and any justification you can use to hit a man would obviously work for a woman aswell, right? How about you don't put your hands on other people? And if you do, you better be ready for retaliation, and just a fair warning, the average guy hits ALOT harder than the average woman.

He's just a pretentious, superficial **** sweetheart, don't worry about him. He'll get what he deserves.

coolchick123 6

If your friend didn't say anything at that point then she's not really your friend

I hope your friend gave them the finger

The OP shouldn't be so expectant for a guy to buy her a drink. What was stopping her from offering?

If I were your friend I wouldn't have stood for that. Wanna date me, you gotta date my friends too.

Haha you're supposed to buy them both drinks you twat.