By kfenton - 29/09/2012 11:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By notgoth - 27/07/2014 22:17 - Netherlands - Rijen
By Tomaino - 18/08/2019 04:02
By beccaj_ilh - 06/09/2009 15:04 - United Kingdom
By the-yao - 24/01/2009 14:53 - United States
By drunkdial - 06/01/2010 05:53 - France
Chuds out on the town
By GeeThanks - 25/07/2013 02:33 - Canada - Toronto
By Anonymous - 18/12/2014 15:34 - Belgium - Antwerpen
By Neednewfriends - 11/11/2015 14:38 - Australia
Bizarre Love Triangle
By SalemSyfer - 25/01/2021 10:57 - Canada - Belleville
By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 16:44 - France
Top comments
There is somebody for everybody Op!! Don't Worry!!
Ever seen that episode of the Simpsons when moe said that and then it zoomed to a girl on the other side of the world and she kills herself?
Good episode.
Well I guess we know who the ugly friend is...
Forever alone much?
Wrong FML, young chap.
11- that's quite a shiny lining you got there...
12 - thats quite a motavational picture you have there!
#40, that's quite a nice chair you got there!
69- that's quite a nice circle you got there!
That's... Quite... A nice combo break you got there?
No worries, beer goggles are the greatest invention on the planet. They get everybody laid at least once... supposing the goggles wearer remembers, they might want a second ride! gl Op!
Just because it happened once or twice doesn't mean it's always the case... Drunk guys tend to be more flirty in general... Cheer up, a better attitude always leads to more positive things!
Lol 61 is trying to flirt on the Internet. Look at this idiot.
My pokemon bring all the girls to the yard, and they're like wanna trade cards, darn right, I wanna trade cards, I'll trade you this but not my charizard.
My homework brings all the Asians to the yard, and they're like "it wasn't that hard."
Beer just makes you realize how things really are. They dig you, OP. Besides, you can't go wrong with Sam Adams and Heineken as wingmen.
Heineken?! Jager is the best wingman.
Hey, gimme a break; I think I did pretty good for rushing to comment. I mean, it's a lot better than putting "Eeiiigghhtthhh!!!!1!!!1!!!!"
No, no. Jack and Jose are the best wingmen . . . though they do have trouble getting along at times :)
Hang out with uglier girls then YOU can be the hot best friend :) My best friend (she's a girl obviously) started doing this and not only did she get more man, but she has more confidence too!
Well I'm a guy...I'm saying my close friend did this and she found herself being more confident, and confidence is half the game!
... So, you say your best friend got an ugly best friend just to make herself feel better... And this is ok? Really?
Sounds like a delightful girl. I'd be worried she was doing the same to me.
So by saying that your best friend purposely got an ugly best friend... Are you admitting that you're ugly? I thought "confidence is half the game."
It sure is, mr Bond.
Smart, smart, smart girl but you should read profile genders. I'm a guy. Most girls utilise their best guy mate as a barrier to stop other random guys hitting on them, not as a way of attracting guys :S Also she did this before I was friends with her, and she would never have had the confidence to speak to me if she hadn't done what she did initially. Everyone can be a bit of a douche when they're growing up but I have found a close and lasting friendship because of her actions so screw you all! :)
On the bright side, you have a golden wing-wo-man.
Hey, you'll find a real guy some time, but probably not in a bar. If you go to some alternate coffee places or something maybe you'll find someone who sees passed pure physical characteristics. There are good guys, and you will find one. Good luck :)
bc every guy at a bar isn't good? In case you haven't heard the entirr purpose of a bar is to meet people, I suppose a library would be even better than a coffee shop since that was established for social gatherings
How does 'forever alone' fit this FML? OP has quite a few chances to shack up with a drunk lad, by the sounds of it.

I heard if you get make some milkshakes it'll bring all the boys to your yard.
There is somebody for everybody Op!! Don't Worry!!