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No good deed…

By noespresso - 15/08/2010 20:20 - United States

Today, after already having a terrible day, I went to Starbucks for an espresso. Being nice, I put the last dollar I had in my wallet in their tip jar. While paying for my drink, my card was denied for insufficient funds. The world hates me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 783
You deserved it 6 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some things happen that are beyond control (e.g. natural disasters...) but not knowing that you don't even have 5 bucks in your account before you try to use your card is well within your control. It has nothing to do with chance or the world "hating you". It has everything to do with your laziness and lack of initiative to keep track of your personal finances. Your card being declined is probably the best thing that could have happened to you. If you don't even have enough money for a cup of Starbucks coffee, then Starbucks is the last place you should be trying to buy coffee.

lovestrong 0


lovestrong 0

That sucks but ydi for going to starbucks when you obviously weren't doing great financially.

you have no money and your at starbucks? smart

Starbucks is hella expensive. What the hell were you thinking?

quent10 0

waaah I couldn't get an expresso waaah my card has insufficient funds listen lady... stfu and stop ur bitchin

bigblue95 0

this fml is coming across as really whiny to me. anyone else gettin that vibe

Slappyzezima 0


The world hates you because you can't buy expensive coffee. FYL I am so sorry you have to live like this, I hope since your such an amazing person you never find yourself in a situation like this again.

WhyTheFace4 0

I'm kinda feeling some hate toward her.

aww just make sure you don't commit suicide

KiddNYC1O 20

you have a keyboard and you can't spell "you're"? smart

47- a day without Starbucks can kill a man

WhyTheFace4 0

I wouldn't know. I don't drink coffee so I've never been in a starbucks. I know they have more than coffee but I'll stick to wawa.

Is it just me, or does everyone get turned on by hot girls with posters of first-person shooters on their walls? This issue is more important than the FML at the moment. Life it seems, will fade away. Drifting further every day. Getting lost within myself. Nothing matters, no one else. I have lost the will to live. Simply nothing more to give. There is nothing more for me. Need the end to set me free! No one but me, can save myself! Oh! It's too late! Now I can't think: think why I should even try! Yesterday seems as though it never existed! Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye! (*Goodbye!*)

KingDingALing 9

Goddammit #84! Why you gotta always kill the vibe with that kind of shit?!

Mr_Zachary 0

That was extremely gay, 84.

yeahh, it was pretty gay. The fact that he puts it on every single comment he posts makes it even worse

YDI for after already having a terrible day, going to Starbucks for an espresso. Being nice, you put the last dollar you had in your wallet in their tip jar. While paying for your drink, your card was denied for insufficient funds. The world hates you.

robtuffguy 0

WTF starbucks isn't even expensive

RainbowxxVeinsx 17

#86- What the **** are you talking about? If your referring to the Metallica song you need to shut the hell up. And #84, don't you think it's weird that she "plays" GAYlo and has a picture of Miley Cyrus on the wall beside it? >.<

YDI for attempting to pay for a single coffee with a card. Next time take some cash out

I got Tim Hortons bitch! That's right, be jealous.

lol i steal from tip jars thnks for the contribution

tyy. timmys is way better. and hate on my pic all you want :)

pwincessa23 1

110!!! how could u not know what the greatest place in the world Is!?!?! it's heaven on every corner. lol it's a coffee place. mmmm it's bomb. u have one down the street. it's suuuppppeeeerrrr sssssssuuuuuuppppeeeeerrrrrrr GGGGGOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, you should be more responsible with your money. Your account doesn't have insufficient funds for no reason.

FFML_314 11

Obviously there's a reason, but that doesn't mean that reason is OPs fault. There's a variety of things that could have happened. Although, it was most likely OPs fault.

Right! I keep track of my bank accounts and credit cards to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. so YDI, totally.

It said the card was declined. Maybe it was nothing to do with money in the account maybe it was the machine. Also maybe a check took longer than expected to clear or something was charged that shouldn't have been. Agreed take away coffee when you have next to no money is stupid especially in Starbucks but I bet it just was the last straw

im sorry that sucks maybe u should have a job or at least a bettrr one

FootballFreak4 3

no one said he doesn't have a job. or a sucky job.

Yes, plenty of people would hate her because she over-spends. Everyone except the people she's paying.

Some things happen that are beyond control (e.g. natural disasters...) but not knowing that you don't even have 5 bucks in your account before you try to use your card is well within your control. It has nothing to do with chance or the world "hating you". It has everything to do with your laziness and lack of initiative to keep track of your personal finances. Your card being declined is probably the best thing that could have happened to you. If you don't even have enough money for a cup of Starbucks coffee, then Starbucks is the last place you should be trying to buy coffee.

thriceforme 3

Couldn't have said it any better. With so many ways to check your account balance, there should be no reason that OP went negative and no reason why it should come as a surprise. It's all about being responsible.

:/ Is it so hard to check your account balance?

I sure hope it's just the world that hates you and no one else.

Yeah I'd hate for the rest of the universe to be against her as well, but you can put in a good word, spaceman.