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By Anonymous - 17/11/2023 07:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I came out to my parents as lesbian. Surprisingly, they were OK with it… just as long as I still marry a dude, give them grandbabies, and keep the whole lesbian thing a deep, dark, shameful secret that we never talk about again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 695
You deserved it 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

angeleyes0724 10

Personally, I would make my family my deep, dark, shameful secret that I never talk about.

Your parents suck. I mean, if you meet the right Princess Charming then you probably would at least talk about having kids but the whole 'deny yourself entirely for our convenience' thing is shitty. Personally I'd consider going NC with them until you are happy and settled in yourself and your life. It could just be the shock of having their unquestioned assumptions over turned and reacting badly to it. It could be good ol' English 'what will the Vicar say!?' country garden homophobia. You're not going to find out which until they've actually processed it. Go live your life and if they're just in shock then they'll reach out once they've digested it and you can begin rebuilding on the new premise. If it's homophobia, then do you really want to suffer it? Eff that. Brighton has a fantastic Scene for every sort, good place to enjoy a blast of self discovery and make friends who understand. You go do you and they'll either catch up or they won't. Only time will tell. Good luck, be safe and have fun 🫂💋


angeleyes0724 10

Personally, I would make my family my deep, dark, shameful secret that I never talk about.

Your parents suck. I mean, if you meet the right Princess Charming then you probably would at least talk about having kids but the whole 'deny yourself entirely for our convenience' thing is shitty. Personally I'd consider going NC with them until you are happy and settled in yourself and your life. It could just be the shock of having their unquestioned assumptions over turned and reacting badly to it. It could be good ol' English 'what will the Vicar say!?' country garden homophobia. You're not going to find out which until they've actually processed it. Go live your life and if they're just in shock then they'll reach out once they've digested it and you can begin rebuilding on the new premise. If it's homophobia, then do you really want to suffer it? Eff that. Brighton has a fantastic Scene for every sort, good place to enjoy a blast of self discovery and make friends who understand. You go do you and they'll either catch up or they won't. Only time will tell. Good luck, be safe and have fun 🫂💋