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By Anonymous - 13/04/2011 10:19 - Australia

Today, I came out to my parents. They nodded empathetically throughout my entire speech and told me repeatedly that it was okay. As I smiled and stood up, my dad asked, "But you're still going to marry a guy, right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 551
You deserved it 8 126

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oz2sd 0

congratulations, that was a big step.

Babushka_Homyak 10

No worries, OP. Your dad will realize you're serious when you start bringing girls home. Happy hunting!


he'll accept it one day OP just give him some time for it to sink in! Your his lil girl of course it's going to shock him!!! In the meantime be who you are regardless of what ANYONE thinks especially your parents(:

imcutefml 0

idk what i shouldve posted so i just posted to be first lol

OP was not clear on what she "came out" about. She could have come out as a lesbian or a transgendered person. If it's as a lesbian she should ask her father if he would feel better if she was transitioning to male and would one day marry as a man, or will he be ok with her as a lesbian marrying a woman.

iwubbtitties_fml 0

which parts the 'fml' part? cuz i dont see anythin wrong there, it was just a question

Even though he understands that she's a lesbian, he still wants her to marry a man. He doesn't care for her happiness, as it would appear by his question.

It's an FML because even after the OP opened up and was honest, her father still isn't accepting the fact that she's a lesbian, genius...

oz2sd 0

congratulations, that was a big step.

MegamiKaosu 28
prince122 0

I don't understand how people can vote "you totally deserved it." Is it her fault she's gay!?

Or polysexual or pansexual. Homosexuality shouldn't be the default when someone "comes out".

or flexual or hetero-flexual or omnisexual or transexual or transvestite or asexual or so many things that it's really starting to get in my opinion stupid that we put so many labels on people especially for sexual orientation cuz their are so many different posibilities

Flexual is polysexual. Omnisexual is pansexual. I did forget asexual however, but asexuals can still be romantic to certain genders and marry. Transsexuality is not a sexual orientation. Transsexuals are people who were born in the wrong sex and have 100% the brain of the opposite gender. Transvestites are cross dressers.

SpilltMilk2 0

What exactly makes a person homosexual? Is it the increase of estrogen in men and testerone in women? Or is it genetic. Why is there an increase? These are good questions.

Why might it have to be an increase? That's implying that heterosexuality is normal (and other orientations are abnormal) and is "caused" by the levels of estrogen/testosterone being average.

LOLbomb 1

I just don't understand how anyone can defend homosexuality. It defies science AND religion. :/ Personally, i wouldn't give a shit if someone was gay, but I hate how everyone rationalizes it. Who are we to say it's not wrong? We can't know for sure, and I wouldn't bother risking my conscience for something as stupid as a gay sex orgy.

LOLbomb 1

I just don't understand how anyone can defend homosexuality. It defies science AND religion. :/ Personally, i wouldn't give a shit if someone was gay, but I hate how everyone rationalizes it. Who are we to say it's not wrong? We can't know for sure, and I wouldn't bother risking my conscience for something as stupid as a gay sex orgy.

LOLbomb 1

I just don't understand how anyone can defend homosexuality. It defies science AND religion. :/ Personally, i wouldn't give a shit if someone was gay, but I hate how everyone rationalizes it. Who are we to say it's not wrong? We can't know for sure, and I wouldn't bother risking my conscience for something as stupid as a gay sex orgy.

LOLbomb 1

I just don't understand how anyone can defend homosexuality. It defies science AND religion. :/ Personally, i wouldn't give a shit if someone was gay, but I hate how everyone rationalizes it. Who are we to say it's not wrong? We can't know for sure, and I wouldn't bother risking my conscience for something as stupid as a gay sex orgy.

staceysgenesis16 0

i agree too it takes guts to do that .. especially if ur telling ur parents

Tell them you will marry a guy. A guy who looks like a girl. Or someone who used to be a guy.

TheDrifter 23

Just promise him the groom will have a mustache, easier promise to keep.

Awehh. that's so mean. Wow I guess some people just don't know the meaning of coming out!

I dunno, from an onlooker's perspective I would still consider that a successful outing. I had a hell of a lot better end-result than many I've heard of/seen personally which would just break your heart... I know I'm being presumptuous, but he might be concerned about grand-children(understandably wanting biological grandchildren). OP might have to educate her parents about the specifics of how she might have biological children with her partner, and should consider her parent's wants for grandchildren later on. Incidentally, the father might also be uncomfortable or not entirely accepting of the fact yet. Such comments or joking might be a coping mechanism. Not that there is anything wrong with it, the parents reserve the right to be uncomfortable with or even unaccepting of homosexuality in general, as long as that animosity isn't extended towards their daughter and they can accept her as she is in time. It's just plain wrong to expect them to immediately warm up to the fact, it may be just as life-changing for them to hear it as it was for the daughter to say it. TL;DL: It didnt turn out so bad, congrats!

Dr. Phil, always happy to be of service :D

mr_miyagi 0

63 just exactly how many times have you 'personally seen' people coming out to their parents?

my sis came out an my mom's side is completely ok with it but my dad's side isn't.. they would rather her be miserable.. stupid Christians ... but Congrats on having the courage :) and 63 - def well said :) and 142 - he could have had family members come out or read it in a text ... read the full sentence - that's where edimucation comes in handy :P

@142 Only two, a chick friend in HS came out with my emotional backing. Her father nearly threw her out window, then dug in on me...we didn't talk much after that. In hindsight I shouldn't have got involved. Then my cousin came out at a family front of everyone...his parents were bitter at first but they mostly got over it. If only I had a camera to catch the deer-in-the-headlights look on their faces.

lakeybalboa 0

Øh and OP, you are still going to marry a guy right?¿

176 you made me laugh haha but yea as ^^ said it couldve been worse I know someone who got kicked out of his house after his dad practically beat him at the age of 17 so yea.....

countryboyj17 0

orrr maybe they do understand what it means they just dont want their child to be gay? js...

wow, your dad needs help....just saying...

Avenged7Gabe 0

well he might need some help to understand what his daughter is saying and to get past i think that he really should get help not in a bad way at all

Babushka_Homyak 10

No worries, OP. Your dad will realize you're serious when you start bringing girls home. Happy hunting!

179 - how much you wanna bet she will?!?!

luv959 0

I think she will be fine your parents will eventually come around to support u

atleast he didn't start cracking gay jokes....

makayla_roxx 2

or start using his "big gay al" voice(:

staceysgenesis16 0

haha! wow if he did that would be .. epic .. in a bad way

They probably think your going through a phase just make them understand that's how you are going to be FOREVER.

ImaWiseGuy 5

**** what everybody says or thinks op..... as long as you except the fact you are who you are then your ahead of the curve.....

dirtyblond 4

Maybe because if she would be Bi marrying a guy wouldn't be that much of a problem..

dirtyblond 4
MizzErikaHart 8
dirtyblond 4

That her dad expects her to marry a guy.

well she could be bi but if she is she definitely prefers girls more

ImaWiseGuy 5

I'm pretty sure she is full on gay......the girls I kno that play for both teams don't exactly feel the need to come out, because their not technically gay, just have gay tendencies......

Alicia17C 2

158 very true. I think she's gay not bi. she wouldn't have been as angry about her dads question if she was bi.

it would still offend me If I were bi because I wouldn't just be attracted to boys and I very well might fall in love with a girl and that her father couldn't accept that would be offending

how do we know it's not a phase and before someone says something stupid. it could be well more like confused. I had a friend at 16 she said she was a lesbian told her parents they said ok. she turns 20 in a few months and she is with a guy and been with him since 18. she says that's what she thought but false alarm for her. she now says "bi" though. either way the OP could just be confused or she is a lesbian. we don't know the age of the op. so we are all jumping to conclusions. If she is a lesbian good for you for coming out and the best of luck. If not still the sane best of luck.