By lezbplove - 19/03/2011 05:26 - Canada
Same thing different taste
Follow the lifescript
By Anonymous - 17/11/2023 07:00 - United Kingdom
By TedX - 19/08/2020 20:07
By Asterisk1009 - 29/06/2009 05:41 - United States
The real me
By Claire - 17/12/2020 17:01
By Anonymous - 09/10/2010 06:47 - United States
Casual homophobia
By GuyWhoCameOutFinally - 25/10/2022 16:00 - Netherlands - Eindhoven
By ClosetMishap - 10/11/2009 16:25 - Canada
By Anonymous - 26/05/2018 19:00
By Anonymous - 29/06/2020 08:08
God is Dead 6: Electric Boogaloo
By Anonymous - 02/08/2021 21:01 - United States - Steele
Top comments
that sucks big time! understand your pain
ewwwie that's nastyyyyyy
I would have played I Kissed A Girl by katy Perry.
what part of Alabama are you from? LMAO
screw u , ur the one who should be stoned you stupid ass hole you don't know what your talking about
don't let people judge you! just be yourself no matter what people say or do.
I agree with 2
I have a friend who chose to go down like this and till this date she regrets her choice , as for me? i think it totally up to you what you want to do but don't forget your elders are here only to advise you. I know that it's not been long since this Gay/Lesbian thing started in fact these type of people used to be called " crazy" some time back as I remember now that it's more common they are being accepted into the society, I honestly have no problem but I personally think Its not a good choice from my experiences. I do not wish to change your lifestyle or anything it's all your way org living and you choose what to do, good luck with your life =)
What are you on about, #67? Go down like what? One doesn't choose to be homosexual any more than one chooses to be left-handed. You just are or you are not. BTW, they were also considered crazy, along with gingers, and anyone else who didn't fit the ideal. Homosexuals have been around just about as long as people have. Society's feelings about them have always been mixed but tolerance is slightly outweighing intolerance these days. People like you that judge under the guise of being accepting are the worst of all. WTF needs your approval to be the way he/she was born? Why not just live your life, let them live theirs, and stop acting like you're doing someone a huge favour by not being hateful?
#76 being a homosexual is definitely a choice people make. #88 you didn't read the bible well enough if you think your statement is true.
Why does there have to be an argument every time homosexuality is mentioned? People's gonna do what they feel is right, whether they're wrong or not.(:
being an ignorant idiot is obviously the choice Jess made
Grow up, you self-righteous piece of shit. Homosexuality is not a choice, homophobia is.
#94 the way I see it, being raised on a catholic school, is that god gives you liberty to do as you wish with your life, as long as you follow the 10 commandments. in which it does not say you shall not be gay/lesbian. and the ones Jesus added, to love god above all things, and treat your neighbor as yourself... again it doesn't say a word about your sexuality, in fact, by treating badly the gay community you are sinning against the word of god
Wow, Jess. Think about it for a minute. Do you really think people would choose to be gay? Do you think people just wake up one morning and think, 'Hey, you know what sounds like fun? Being judged by ignorant strangers for the rest of my life. Sweet deal, bro! Sign me up!' - no. A gay person can't turn straight any more than you can turn gay. We don't choose our race, and we don't choose our sexuality. We play the cards we're dealt and hope not to run into many people as uneducated as you.
actually 183 go to lev. 18:22 and 24-30 some versions say that gays should be stoned
that being said I have nothing against gay bi or lesbians I have several homosexual friends
but in the bible also says that the one who is with out sins may cast the first stone, god is the only one who can judge us, not you. and you must remember that the bible was written by men. not all of it is the word of god
ok I'm gonna show you that it's not, if you're a guy, no matter what you might want, if you're straight, you are going to find other penises disgusting. and if you're gay you're gonna find vaginas disgusting. you might have sex with another guy by choice, but if you straight you are going to find it repulsive non the less
well, guess bisexuals can choose who to screw. but those are special cases :/
Actually all God wants is to be loved and for people to believe him and his son. Nothing else. No person would choose a lifestyle where they would get attacked and abused. I respect the people who can proudly say they are christian and homosexual, it is putting homophobic people in their place. In the end it's God's decision to judge, not humanity. If you start picking a part someone cause of their sexuality, look at yourself and see who the real "sinner" is. Congrats OP for coming out:)
Those who say being gay is decided upon birth is wrong. It's like saying they were born to be burned in hell and predestination isn't what anyone preaches anymore.
And besides, if you aren't religious I respect that. But think about, penis to penis is pretty fucken disgusting if you think about it...
I'm gay myself, and I didn't choose to be gay. It's just who I am. Not that I'd choose any differently, because I love myself just the way I am, thank you very much.
The holyspirit guided the ppl who wrote the bible. so technically god wrote the bible. Actually, no one is born gay/lesbian. along their lives they get twisted and wrong thoughts/imaginations/friends and choose to be gay/lesbian, which is a sin. God destroyed the ppl of a place I can't rmb in the bible that were full of gays because of his own reasons I do not fully understand but ultimately it is because God, does not approve of gays/lesbians as they have been influenced by the devil.
agreed 240. Society brings lots of influential thoughts to young people. Katy Perry is a good example.
homosexuality isn't something u choose no but it isn't something that u are born into it is based on what u say felt and heard as a young child that determines if u are homosexual when u grow up if u are a guy and when u are under the age of 2 and get hit or become afraid of the females in Ur life 9 times out of 10 u will be gay. and not all homosexuals act on what they feel most actually don't and act out what they see as a normal life
@250: Do you have even a single scientific source to back that abuse claim up? I find it disgusting that you make such a claim off the top of your head.
im sorry:-)
I go to a more accepting church. My best friend is bi and they completely accept her and there is no judgement. Not all christians are judgemental. Im sorry that you have had a bad experience.
that makes no sense and is hypocritical. god made Adam and eve not Adam and Steve.
I'm so sorry OP. I want to comment before the comments get shut off since moderators seem much more sensitive these days and I know that this is going to turn into a religious debate. I was raised Mormon and have a gay friend that was raised Mormon with me. They tried sending him to therapy, he tried praying it away etc. etc. He is now with his boyfriend. Stay true to yourself and your nature. Don't let a 2000 year old book, translated through multiple languages, with ridiculous messages get you down. You need to be happy with who you are :)
All I was saying was that almost as soon as things turn controversial comments are deactivated. I know this one will turn controversial. I think you guys let arguments go on a lot more in the past.
11 is right, chances are some people will turn this into an all out troll fest and end up saying disgusting things so comments will be deactivated. Such a shame.
Emily, #4 isn't gay, her friend is
8- Well for one, he essentially called the bible ridiculous, which, if seen by the wrong person could spark a religous debate of some idiotic sort.
Religion isn't pointless it saved the world from chaos and brought people together for survival. But nowadays people are using the name of god for pointless reasons Heck why would God care if we were all gay?
I don't see why it matters. Love is love and I'm sorry your parents don't understand that.
Agreed! Sucks for you OP, I hope your parents come around.
religion is a joke. it's a tool used to control and oppress the week minded
so what about Jewish, Muslim, and many many more too? people that don't believe are tools to in the same way. many just don't see it but I see it from both ends.
really? stfu.
Says the scientologist. lol
6: Is completly right. Religion was created for the purpose of controling people. Its quite sad that people are still falling into the murky depths of a pool of ancient nonesense, obliterating there view of what is reality.
WTF religion isn't for controlling people
36: What is religion for then? What good comes put of it?
*Out Stupid phone.
some religions do take it to far but some give people hope and it brings together communities but I do agree that some take it way to far
I also agree with 6.
43: You didn't answer my question. And I think most all religions take it to far in one sense or another.
like? what is something that every religion takes to far in oh give me an example for Catholics or Christians Really? The Bible, Thora and Koran do not say what's right and what's wrong? What you can do and what you are not allowed to do? Please, read one of those holy Books and then we'll talk again. Organised religions were maid to control people. It's not that difficult to understand, the law was in those days not the same as now, so they had to come up with something. The Bible was actually full of laws, like, 'don't kill people', 'don't steal', 'don't **** anothers person wife'...and stories which told you how to behave, how the earth was made, how the earth will that the people got an answer on all those difficult questions. Organised religions were once very useful. The only sad thing is when people now, 2000 (or for the islam, 1400) years later, still take that thing literally. It are stories, guidelines, not facts. God didn't create the earth in 6 days, Jezus is still dead, people who don't believe will not go to hell, jadda jadda.
I do agree in some aspects but christians don't believe heavily in the old testament and can you argue with not stealing or killing anyone?
the Spanish inquisition.... Killing of alleged "heretics" if they were suspected of not believing in Christianity.
56: Really...? They believe in the bible... 'nuff said.
w/o wanting to turn this in a religious debate, religions were at first created for the sole purpose of answering questions that could not be answered in any other way. for example, they could not explain how the earth was created so they invented earth in seven days (for catholics(do any other religion believe that too)). it is later that the church found it very lucrative to allie with governments, they had more power and yes at that time, religion had become a mind control tool. today i do not believe it is still so(at least not for catholism and its branches) because they do not detain the power they once did. bible is not in any way a law book, its a guide. please dont start hating religions on what they once were. inquisition is long gone and they wouldnt dare try that again. enough said
@59: You're right and wrong at the same time. While the books of religion say what is right and wrong, it doesn't say you're not allowed to do it. Please understand, there are two types of religious people: There are people that take every word of their book literally and if you don't, then you are the spawn of the devil. They are what I call "religious freaks." These are the ones that make everybody hate Christians and other religions. Then there are ones like me. I'm Christian, yes. But while the Bible says that homosexuality isn't right, the Bible also says that humans are MEANT TO SIN. We sin constantly, and will be forgiven. So sure, homosexuality may be looked down upon, but it's nothing that will get you sent to Hell or anything. So Christians need to stop making a big fuss over it. If I'm reading the Bible correctly, it says all sins are the same. This means that lies (Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy) that the parents told the child, are the same as when this poor, misunderstood girl realized she likes girls. And another thing that is off the topic of religion (This isn't directed to 59): Homosexuality is (usually) not just decided. Most people don't just decide they want to be gay now. Many psychologists (including Freud, I believe) believe that children go through a stage called the Oedipus Complex. This is around three years old, when a child decides they want to "marry" their parent of the opposite gender. This is usually the psychological point that decides a persons sexuality. Let's use this girl for example: Let's say when she was three, her dad wasn't around enough. If that were not the case, maybe her dad wasn't amused and told her to stop with the marriage thing. If that were to happen, she might direct her object of affection to her mother. That would be when she would grow an irregular* love towards women. *Note: I say irregular because it happens less often than being heterosexual. I mean it in no way that it's not normal or anything. Please take no offense.
61: I like how most Christians believe bits and pieces on Christianity (whatever parts they WANT to believe) but not the whole thing. The bible was made from 'gods word' though, so shouldn't it be ALL right? He doesn't make mistakes!
"I do agree in some aspects but christians don't believe heavily in the old testament and can you argue with not stealing or killing anyone?" my experiences, most christians do heavily believe in the old testament. And ofcourse, the not stealing/killing/cheating part is completely logical, but, many things are not. Take the Koran: muslims are not allowed to eat pigs. Why is that? Well, because 1400 years ago, it was dangerous to eat pigs. Nowadays, with all the food control, it isn't. But they are still not eating pigs because of an old book. In christianity, it is not accepted being gay. Why is that? Well, because 2000 years ago, it was very important to reproduce. Gays cannot reproduce, so it was considered wrong. Nowadays, there are too many people and homosexuals are able to adopt. But many christians still think it's wrong because of an old book. My parents once wanted to divorce, but they didn't, because an old book told them they were not allowed to do. The church told them I was not going to end well, because I didn't lived like that old book said I should. My parents think my soul is doomed, because an old book said it so. They don't agree on me having sex before marriage, because an old book does not approve of it...and so on and so on.
77: I like your comment. :) Religion is a dangerous thing. It makes people delusional, closed-minded, not open to learning about reality because they already have their 'answers' and alot of people kill for religion.
"Then there are ones like me. I'm Christian, yes. But while the Bible says that homosexuality isn't right, the Bible also says that humans are MEANT TO SIN. We sin constantly, and will be forgiven. So sure, homosexuality may be looked down upon, but it's nothing that will get you sent to Hell or anything. So Christians need to stop making a big fuss over it. If I'm reading the Bible correctly, it says all sins are the same. This means that lies (Santa Clause, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy) that the parents told the child, are the same as when this poor, misunderstood girl realized she likes girls." I still don't like the way you think, especially the sinning part. That's soo typical for christianity (and other beliefs); they decide what's right and what's wrong, and if you do something wrong, that's sinning. Ugh. Who are they to decide it? That's the job of each individual. Saying that homosexuality is sinning, is saying that homosexuality is wrong, which it isn't. And that's what's so damn wrong with organised religions: act the way they want and you're safe, act otherwise and you'll burn in hell. Don't forget, the Bible says that only those who will ask for mercy and believe in God will be forgiven, all the others will be sent to hell. Which is bullshit. Hell does not only not exist, but it's a paradox. Bad people will be sent to hell, where Satan, the ultimate Bad One, will punish us for being bad. Uh? I think the sinners will have a great time in hell. If it exist. Which it doesn't.
WTF! This thread is too long. Religious and non religious morons. Just do what makes you happy. Anyone care to talk about ninjas? haha
@82 Woah, I see a misunderstanding. I did not mean in any way that I believe that homosexuality is sinning. I acknowledge that the Bible says so, yes. I think it shouldn't be, though, and therefore I have absolutely NO problem with homosexuals. I don't think there should be a right and wrong for who you love. The misunderstanding is my fault, I wasn't clear. Be aware that in my beliefs, you only sin for things that aren't even acceptable in daily life. Killing somebody, stealing, cheating on a spouse, even lying, and so on. Those are things that just shouldn't be done, Christian or not. I agree, yes, the Bible has guidelines on how to live. But they're just guidelines that should be followed, but not down to the last itty-bitty word. The only difference between you and I is that I believe there is a God, and I believe that Jesus was His Son. I'm not going to try to force anything upon you. Not all Christians are fanatics. I've never been in a religious debate. All I'm trying to do is show you that not all Christians are psychos that try to shove the Bible down people's throats. Another thing, I'm pretty sure the Bible says something about not worrying about other people's sins. Christians have no right to go and say things like what the OP's parents said and did.
ok firstly I can not speak for the Torah or the bible but I can speak for the qur'an it does say what is right and what is wrong I would know my entire life is based on that principle religion is not handed to you on a silver platter u have to think and understand it not blindly follow it it even says that in the qur'an
@6 You sound like Karl Marx: "religion is the opium of the people."
99: I like how people are debating and not misusesing freedom of speech. It is a good thing to question, debate, and input and do so without harming anyone.
107: Questioning is looked down upon, so yes, religion is following blindly. They know that if you ask enough questions, none of which will probably be answered, that you will start to see just how wrong everything is....
DjeePee, respectfully, you're wrong. I won't even begin to get into the religious debates, because I have the facts, a well constructed argument, and tenacity on my side. I would talk for hours, and I would win (I would probably not convince you to see it my way, but I would at least show you the validity of Christianity and the invalidity of much of what you've said). However, I have a life and don't have hours to spend on here in a religious debate. That being said, I will leave you with these few things: 1. Just because you don't "believe" in something (in this case hell/God/Jesus' resurrection etc) doesn't make it any less real or true. 2. Despite what you've said, there IS a standard for morality, and it's NOT based on the individual (the caps are for emphasis, not yelling. I'm no crazy religious freak. Just hear me out). Think if you tried your situational ethics in a court of law. "Well, your honor, maybe it's wrong for YOU to murder someone, but I see nothing wrong with it. I was raised in a home where killing was taught to be ok, so it's not my fault that I've turned out this way." see what I mean? 3. My final "mini-argument," Paschal's wager. If you don't know it, look it up. If you're too lazy or don't care enough to google it, then ask me and I'll gladly tell you. As I hope you can tell, I'm not a yelling, screaming, fire and brimstone judgmental Christian, but a rational person who's capable of higher thinking. While I have my beliefs, morals, and values, I am still open minded.
That's because gays do exist whilst God does not. (I just couldn't resist) Ah Frenchy, then it's allright. But still, I wonder...It might be a stupid question, but if you don't take the Bible literally, why are you a christian? I mean, you believe in God and that Jesus was his son, and that's a part of the Bible, but what about the other parts? Why being selective? In my opinion, you must believe everything of an organised religion, or nothing. Chosing between things you do believe and things you don't seems so weird. Isn't it better then to just drop it all? Starting your own, personal belief? No?
@74 Using frued is dangerous, he is widely discredited for his outlandish view and although he did believe in a Oedipus complex he did not believe at all in the electra complex (the girl one). As a girl who did not have her dad around at all I think the example you've used is a little far fetched. There are many many one parent families with straight children the same as there are many two parent families with gay children. How does your example explain gay men coming out of single mother families. Surely their oedipul complex should have prevented that.
117: You know, your comment made you sound quite arrogant and a narcassist. But anyways... There is such a thing called moral without religion. Yes, I know, people having a brain is crazy. If what you are doing is going to harm someone or something, then its wrong. Of course there are many different branches of this that I do not have time to say, but you get the gist of it. I apologize in advance for this but... "Winning!"
and why do you blindly assume that questioning is looked down upon our entire religion would not have existed had not our prophet question what his tribe was worshiping ok I'll admit some imams are radical and say follow blindly but it is not so it one of the problems Islam faces today
no . religon is not mind controlling. it depends on you , how you control yourself & how far you take it through out life. books like the bible & quran are both important in a particular religion ... this doesnt mean cause they have been used for thousands of years ago that now the things in them can be changed OR just say 'its different nowadays, its just an old book'. they help take good paths in life and actually help and consider a better life than trash it. for example .. in the bible it says you cant be gay (something like that). well thats fine do wateva you want ... you can still follow that religion but not that particular view. as for muslims and how they cant eat pigs wasnt necessarily because they were dangerous to eat. its cause theyre filthy , roll in mud blah blah thats just disgusting. there are also many reasons which i cbb stating ! therfore religion is NOT a joke or bullshit. There is many reasons that i can say why religion is good to have around. some of you guys just take or look into it in a negative way. its actually better to have a religion rather than none. kthanksbye !(:
Mushyluvsu and Djeepee, for claiming that religion causes closed-mindedness, you're awfully closed-minded yourselves. I am a Jew, and proud to be. My synagogue is a place where homosexuality is generally accepted. The Hebrew school is named after a gay man, and until recently, we had a lesbian rabbi. Religion may have at one point been used to control people, but for many, it gives hope for the future and, in my case at least, a sense of community. I'm from Utah, so I know a LOT of Mormons. Though many of them seem very strict and close-minded, you have to realize that not all of them are, and that above all, their religion makes them happy. Just as people's religious parents have no right to tell their homosexual child that they are wrong, you have no right to tell every person who believes in a religion that they are wrong.
and sorry if I sound arrogant but I honestly believe in my religion not because my dad are some bearded radical told me to all I'm saying that religion is SUPPOSED to put people on the right track by giving them wisdom and tales from god be it from the three Jewish chirstian or Muslim but unfortunately shortsighted And closed minded people ruined it's original beauty
I agree with you tigerlily but u have to admit there are a lot of people in both our religions that yell 'heresy' at first chance they get
Yes! It bugs me when Christians take everything seriously in the bible (I mean COME ON how can you believe that... seriously) and it also bugs me when they choose things to believe in so to make it "not so bad" because they themselves know that their religion is a bunch of bs and they are trying to make it more believable. So either way, it bugs me. Lol
‘ok firstly I can not speak for the Torah or the bible but I can speak for the qur'an it does say what is right and what is wrong I would know my entire life is based on that principle religion is not handed to you on a silver platter u have to think and understand it not blindly follow it it even says that in the qur'an’ Do you even know the translation of ‘islam’? It means ‘subjection’ to Allah. Technically, you don’t have to think about what’s right and wrong, because your fate rests in the hands of Allah. The islam also doesn’t like thinking/discussing about the Koran. Technically, good muslims have to read it in Arabic, because otherwise, it would be translated. Translation is interpretation, and it is wrong to interpretate the Koran. ‘1. Just because you don't "believe" in something (in this case hell/God/Jesus' resurrection etc) doesn't make it any less real or true.’ Ay. But it’s simply not true. I don’t believe in flying, invisible cats, and I’m right. I also don’t believe in hell/God/difficult word, and I’m right again. Like I said, hell is a paradox, the biggest sinner (Satan) will never punish other sinners. Besides of that, it’s just made up. Glad we’re out of that. 2. Despite what you've said, there IS a standard for morality, and it's NOT based on the individual (the caps are for emphasis, not yelling. I'm no crazy religious freak. Just hear me out). Think if you tried your situational ethics in a court of law. "Well, your honor, maybe it's wrong for YOU to murder someone, but I see nothing wrong with it. I was raised in a home where killing was taught to be ok, so it's not my fault that I've turned out this way." see what I mean? Ay. But you know you’ve taken a wrong example, killing is never (almost never) ok. I have one law, and simply stated it is: “You may do whatever you want as long as you respect the rights of other humans and their properties”. Killing = not respecting the rights of others = wrong. Being gay = still respecting others = alright. Christianity says that gays are wrong, that anal sex is wrong, that sex for fun is wrong, that not believing in God is wrong…and guess what, it isn’t. Tadaah. 3. My final "mini-argument," Paschal's wager. If you don't know it, look it up. If you're too lazy or don't care enough to google it, then ask me and I'll gladly tell you. I’ve read Wikipedia, but honestly, I don’t understand it. It’s not even in my language, juk.
Ummmmmm sry to say this but Islam translates to tranquility and peace not subjugation
i agree with you tigerlily. im a muslim and i understand every1s religion & point of views and accept them aswell. but all im saying is that , people who are saying that religion is a joke, bullshit and just controls minds blah blah is completely wrong cause ther is always a few who go not-normal , but ther is also the majority of them who do actually consider having a better life with a religion and live happy. religions do actually help you through life with well known wisdomness (if thats a real word). take it or leave it theres always gonna be a religion out ther and youll just have to accept them all :)
Wow Djeepee. You can't just denounce other people's beliefs as false without becoming as bad as the people who push their religions on others. Just let people believe what they want to, because there is a snowball's chance in hell that they'll actually change their mind.
and sorry what do u mean it's wrong to interpretate the qur'an there is literally a verse that says do just that and Muslims are considered to be good when u read it in Arabic because god sent it to us like that u can still translate it and read it in English if u want to
DjeePee-Paschal's wager is this: Bet on God and win ("winning" is that He exists)-win everything (go to heaven) Bet on God and lose (He doesn't exist)-lose nothing Bet against God and win-you win nothing Bet against God and lose-you lose everything (go to hell) Also, hell is not Satan punishing sinners for their wrongs, you have a skewed view of what hell is. Anyway, this is my last comment on this thread (even though it's only my second) because I have to go to work. Also, honestly, this conversation makes me sad. Both the Christians and non-Christians. I hope you all have a great day :) (no sarcasm)
133: If you don't believe in the bible then you are not that religion... I can't believe i'm even saying this.
Exactly Miki. People have spent so much time on different verses of Torah, just trying to interpret it for NOW as opposed to when it was written.
134: If science suddenly discoveres that god is real with proof that can't be disputed, I will believe. This means I am not closed-minded.
and what is wrong for sticking up for a sister religion yes Islam considers Christianity and jewdism as sisters we even tell the stories of their prophets in the Qura
146: 'Muslim' translates exactly to " One who submits to god" You might want to learn more about your religion before you go around defending it.
I know exactly what it means mind you and it does not mean that that is what some english dictionary being Muslim means one who is at peace because we believe religion puts the people at ease
TigerLily, you're smart. I like that. You're right, religion can be peaceful, it can help people, it can be good, jadda jadda, I know that. But from my experiences, organised religions are often not very peaceful. When I went to chuch, the preacher told us exactly what was right and wrong. When I asked people how you could be sure God exists, they all became mad at me, which made me think I was doing something wrong. Thinking and being critical is not wrong. The preacher once said clearly that homosexuality was sinning. I felt awful that day, and not long after that, I broke entirely with religion. It's very cool if you have a respectful religion, but many are not. Discussion and criticism is often not encouraged. Many believers are so damn naive and unable to think for themself...therefore, I do not like religion. Only if it's really peaceful, but still, people can be peaceful and good also without following a religion.
Ninjas are awesome. Unless you cross them. Then they are deadly. Fear / respect the ninja.
win right there ^
yeeh ? & doesnt mean that i dont believe in the bible that i cant have a say in this. all im saying is that you can be part of a religion without being a freak. and for some of you here who are against religions .. suck it up theyres religions all around you. youre gonna hav to live with it. accept them or not just liveeeee your lifeeeee and make the most of itttt dont just sit there typing away that religions are useless and a joke. it clearly shows you dont accept other people and their beliefs. so like srsly really if you dont accept other people nor the beliefs your just sad. this world has maaany religions and beliefs so dont sit ther dissing them. bye.
actually she's got a point both parties are dead set in their views I see no point in continuing let's get this straight all people have a right to express there views no matter what it may be so on different note be happy that u get to express your views without violence my country had to go through a whole revolution just to get that "privilege" so on that note good bye and good day
153: One of my favorite quotes... "The fact that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than a fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one.. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality." I see very VERY many things wrong with what you said... Oh and because I already wrote a quote... why not another one? This one is my favorite... I suggest reading it Is god willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him god? :D
Of course it is, dumbass! (See what I did there?)
do u know how magnets work then? (sry I saw the word Mormon)
That's because religion is the root of all evil, homosexuality is not.
I think the only thing you are is 'pretty damn full of yourself'. You use a lot of big words without saying anything substantial at all.
178: The same thing that happened before we where being made in the womb. Nothing. :) Why does there have to be something? Our brains die when we die, so thought dies as well.... See?
Pascal's wager is just a cowardish excuse for those who can't stand the responsibility that comes with making up one's mind, forming an informed opinion and sticking the **** with it.
The only thing that's sad here is your ... let's get crazy and call it "spelling"...
Guys. It's time to grow the f*ck up. grow a pair. time to stop f*cking discriminating against different beliefs. call me a hypocrite but there is one thing I cannot stand. atheists pissing everybody off because they believe in living for blah blah blah! Guys, grow some balls and ladies, just grow the f*ck up.
194: You are the one who needs to grow up. What a rude and immature comment...
I'm sorry mushy but this sh*t pisses me off. i don't wanna be insulting.
I was thinking the same thing. lol. very ironic.
Ever heard of morals?
Mushyluvsu you are awesome, but really people can believe whatever the hell they want to believe, if i believe a rock can save me then it will, it is the power of the mind, just as they believe that god or the son of god or whatever reason they have that will save them then it is ok, talking about religion is always a debate.
hey listen here lady. god is the way the truth and the light. i used to be a nasty evil person. but god changed my life and i would never regret it. u get one chance and take that chance , go to church (christian) and it would change you life . trust me it changed mine. all non belivers will be put into the lake of fire where it cant be put out.
214: I don't think you understood pretty much any of my comments...
225: Oh, of course people can believe whatever they want... and they DO. xD Doesn't make it right though... And thank you. I study Theology and thinks it is hella fun debating about religion. :)
SOME religion is ridiculous, take it from an Irish/Roman Catholic. In all of my years experiencing Catholocism, I have heard some of the biggest and most ridiculous lies and rules ever in the history of mankind. The Canon Law is filled with impossibilities EX: "No divorce no matter what happens." Some of Catholocism is good though too. Such as church. Despite that I don't go anymore, I use to go religously to church every Sunday (Pun intended, =)) Probably because my Catholic Holy Rollin' grandma MADE me go. However, I've also experienced Christian orthodox church, and even Baptist churches, and I feel Catholic Mass gives you the most oppurtunity to focus on the Lord. Catholic mass doesn't involve ANY music whatsoever, and involves only a little bit of preaching and Bible reading. The rest ofthe tine, it's purely quiet, giving you the best chance to focus on what you came there for. Confession, Admit that you've done wrong, and lean how to redeem yourself. No wrong ever gets unforgiven in Catholocism. Oh look at me, ranting/blathering again. poiny is, religion isn't to bad if it's not taken way to seriously. However, when you start believing EVERYTHING you hear just because it comes from a Father's, Minister's, Pastor's, etc Mouth, that's when it becomes ridiculous. or Religulous as Bill Marr would say
238... But then again what is right??? lol
241: Exactly. That question is what keeps science going. :) Better to not know and try to find out than to tell yourself a lie and not question things.
wow u guyz are still going at it I'll put in one more comment u do knw a lot of scientific advances were made by religious people right the big bang theory was originally put forth by a catholic priest a lot of medical advances came from Jews and Muslims hell the first person to fly was a Muslim man in around 800 ad so how does religion impede scientific advancement if it weren't for religion we'd still be suffering from the black death because the greatest advancements in medicine as said above came from pious people whose religion told them to help they're fellow men
Paschal's wager is so stupid. I thought the same when I was twelve, but I started thinking and if you take that shit seriously, you have to believe in God and in Allah and in Jahweh and in Ganesh and in all those others Gods. Otherwise, you're taking the risk to believe in the wrong one. "hey listen here lady. god is the way the truth and the light. i used to be a nasty evil person. but god changed my life and i would never regret it. u get one chance and take that chance , go to church (christian) and it would change you life . trust me it changed mine. all non belivers will be put into the lake of fire where it cant be put out." You are still a nasty evil person if you believe human beings will be put into a lake of fire. Not that it actually matters, when we die, we will all become ashes and dust. It's also very funny that you put (christian) after the church. I almost forgot it, many believers can't stand people who believe in another god. It's incredible how often I've heard that jews and muslims believe in the 'wrong' god. Tssh.
actually Muslims are supposed to believe ( although admittedly they dont) that they believe in the same god as jeues and Moses did we all worship the same god but in different ways that's Wat I and alot of others believe
"if it weren't for religion we'd still be suffering from the black death because the greatest advancements in medicine as said above came from pious people whose religion told them to help they're fellow men" being a history teacher, I can tell you that the catholics believed that the black death was a punishment from God for all the sinning (surprise surprise), and that you could only cure it with prays (surprise surprise). In the middle ages, most religous people didn't give a crap about the 'fellow men'.
262: Big Bang...? Catholics....? Sound's like if he believes what he put forth... than he actually isn't a Catholic.... Obviously. God created the earth and the universe, remember? Well, that's great. Glad to hear some religious people have a brain..... (I never said they where not capable of thinking!) Wait... So without religion, these people would not have helped their fellow people? I never said that religious people don't have hearts. Of course they would help their fellow man! Religion and science really don't work together..... It's very hard (pretty much impossible) to believe fully in both. Like what 242 said, dinasours don't go together with religion, even though there is absolute proof that dinasours walked the earth, religion people are saying that god put the bones there to test our faith! Come on! :)
Oh, the hypocrisy of the bible is just awe inspiring. "They attacked Midian just as the LORD had commanded Moses, and they killed all the men. All five of the Midianite kings - Evi, Rekem, Zur, Hur, and Reba - died in the battle. They also killed Balaam son of Beor with the sword. Then the Israelite army captured the Midianite women and children and seized their cattle and flocks and all their wealth as plunder. They burned all the towns and villages where the Midianites had lived. After they had gathered the plunder and captives, both people and animals, they brought them all to Moses and Eleazar the priest, and to the whole community of Israel, which was camped on the plains of Moab beside the Jordan River, across from Jericho." "Moses, Eleazar the priest, and all the leaders of the people went to meet them outside the camp. But Moses was furious with all the military commanders who had returned from the battle. "Why have you let all the women live?" he demanded. "These are the very ones who followed Balaam's advice and caused the people of Israel to rebel against the LORD at Mount Peor. They are the ones who caused the plague to strike the LORD's people. Now kill all the boys and all the women who have slept with a man. Only the young girls who are virgins may live; you may keep them for yourselves." Numbers 31:7-18 NLT I don't think I even need to explain my statement.
wait what? exactly what part of religion denies dinosaurs because Srsly WTF dinosaurs are obviously real a child with half a brain would know that ( might sound like sarcasm but I'm srs) as per the chatholic bit I heard it from Dan brown then followed up through other sources I'm not making this up
people aren't born being fags.
50: I'm guessing you are either religious or mental... Most likely both.
Calm down Lady Gaga. haha
People are born with the sexuality that they have, and it doesn't change their value as a person in ANY way. I can't be degraded as a person because I am straight, nor can I take any credit for it. It's the same with being gay. You are who you are, and trying to change that leads to nothing but pain and desillusion. Although I usually try to see the good in everyone, #50, it seems like you were born either crazy or an *sshole to me.
the Bible says it and you should not be one but your feelings say other wise and plus you have free will live it the way you want. I would say just don't live it like a lesbian like one of my uncles but still I would still day it's your choice. beside I really just want to know can we get a video. p.s. how long till someone stupid will say something to me? I say 10 minutes.
Nice to hear your uncle is a lesbian! it must be hard for him :(
I think your comment used up all the stupid so there really shouldn't be any stupid replies. Lucky you!
Yeah and my aunt is a homosexual. XD
If that was some kind of a joke referring to marousjes comment you pretty much failed, but I can of course misinterpret your smiley.
How is that a fail? Obviously I am talking about the commenter. Dragons corner. Read yeah? thanks
hoot hoot.
your parents need to start understanding you more, for sure .
You should've known your parents wouldn't approve. I mean, you should probably come out eventually, and it's too late now, but you should wait till you're completely financially independent before coming out to your ultra religious parents. Or maybe you did. But it sounds like you weren't able to get away from them when they started reading you the bible. FYL though. Maybe your parents will get over it. And, HEY good news you live in Canada, so you can get married some day!

I'm so sorry OP. I want to comment before the comments get shut off since moderators seem much more sensitive these days and I know that this is going to turn into a religious debate. I was raised Mormon and have a gay friend that was raised Mormon with me. They tried sending him to therapy, he tried praying it away etc. etc. He is now with his boyfriend. Stay true to yourself and your nature. Don't let a 2000 year old book, translated through multiple languages, with ridiculous messages get you down. You need to be happy with who you are :)
don't let people judge you! just be yourself no matter what people say or do.