
By Anonymous - 25/07/2024 16:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I received a package addressed to my husband. I thought it was a surprise gift for me, so I excitedly opened it. It turned out to be a 3-foot tall realistic-looking penguin. Confused, I asked him about it. He sheepishly admitted he'd bought it to scare off the neighbor's cat, who's been using our garden as a litter tray. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92
You deserved it 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you thought it was a surprise for you, so instead of waiting for him to give it to you, you opened his mail. ydi yourself. it wasn't addressed to you

You open mail not addressed to you. That's a federal offense.


you thought it was a surprise for you, so instead of waiting for him to give it to you, you opened his mail. ydi yourself. it wasn't addressed to you

You open mail not addressed to you. That's a federal offense.

Stop being entitled to opening mail not addressed to you. You're lucky your husband didn't press the issue. Yet.

Why did you jump to the conclusion it was a gift for you?

rpy13 11

So, maybe don’t ******* open mail not addressed to you??? Like, DUH!!! Jesus Christ, this is basic societal expectations, you suck.

It could have been a lot worse, what if your husband has a kinky penguin fetish?