What did you say?

By Anonymous - 25/07/2024 12:00 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, whenever I get into arguments, I end up mixing up words. I was trying to prove a point by saying a type of chips, and was debating between Dorito chips or BBQ chips. I ended up saying "burrito chips." I said my friend would "sell me out for a bag of burrito chips." FML
I agree, your life sucks 154
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might be onto something with those burrito chips.

To be fair, burrito chips do sound delicious.


You might be onto something with those burrito chips.

To be fair, burrito chips do sound delicious.

I think we all agree that most of us would sell you out for a bag of burrito chips 😂🤤

Arguing is rarely if ever worth it, even if you win you often damage the relationship. Maybe try refocus your energy as not an argument but collaboration. Should help you avoid getting tongue tied if it keeps the chaotic argument energy at bay.