Forever alone

By FriutlessApple - 11/10/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, feeling bored and lonely, I drove into town to wander around the shops and go to Subway for lunch. While there, I picked up two trays and put one on the opposite side of the table, along with some of my rubbish, to make it look like I was with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 558
You deserved it 11 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

narkill 13

Since when are people so obsessed about trying to impress random strangers? Who cares if you're alone or with someone?


It shouldn't matter if you're out eating alone. Who cares? No stranger is going to point you out and start laughing hysterically over it.

vandeele 8

desperate calls call for desperate measures... I know how ye feel mate.

Why do people do this stuff then put it here saying FML? Attention seeking much?

I'm pretty sure people would notice that there was no one with you. Is looking like you got stood up seriously less embarrassing than just being an adult and eating on your own?

From my experience, if you want to meet other introverted people, you have to make it look like no one is with you (no more than MAYBE one other person), assuming you're into introverted people.

yzzami 17

This was embarrassing to read

You're so insecure you can't even eat by yourself?

Dude, that's literally one of the saddest things I've ever read. How about learning to apprechiate your own company? You are born alone, you die alone, might wanna be your own friend.