Forever alone

By FriutlessApple - 11/10/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, feeling bored and lonely, I drove into town to wander around the shops and go to Subway for lunch. While there, I picked up two trays and put one on the opposite side of the table, along with some of my rubbish, to make it look like I was with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 558
You deserved it 11 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

narkill 13

Since when are people so obsessed about trying to impress random strangers? Who cares if you're alone or with someone?


you're a unique species of loser...why do you care about what random strangers think and it's not like people don't go places alone...

perdix 29

There was a cute girl who wanted to talk to you, but when she saw you were with someone, she decided to leave you alone.

Don't get his hopes up like that. No one in the history of ever has attempted to hit on a stranger at Subway.

perdix 29

#32, people hit on each other in morgues, slaughterhouses and crematoria. Certainly, someone, somewhere made a move at a Subway.

RedPillSucks 31

Rule 34... *She was eyeing his "foot-long" with anticipation, when she realized he didn't even have the $5 to buy her one, so she left, unsatisfied*

@54 That's not Rule 34. Be thankful you don't know what real Rule 34 is.

1dvs_bstd 41

The lonliness is strong with this one.

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

How do you ever expect to meet new people when they might not talk to you because you are already with someone?

People don't only talk to people who are alone. Haven't you ever approached a group of girls at a club before?

kaylee_megan 16

I don't see why people don't like eating or doing stuff alone. It gives you the chance to think about yourself and to do what you want to do. And on the plus side you don't have to split the bill.

perdix 29

I like eating alone. In fact, I tried to start a club for like-minded people, but no one came to the meetings...even when I handed out free food! Go figure!

jw90 18

Wonder or wander? Which one were you going for OP?

perdix 29

#21, I was also wandering about that. I was going to write something, but then my mind wondered.

jw90 18
beelee1988 13

Finally someone said something about that.

RedPillSucks 31

Grammar Nazis were asleep. Timmy is still stuck in the whale.

JaneDoe1024 6

OP you care too much what others think! I have a bf and yet I eat alone all the time. just because you're alone doesnt make you appear lonely.

gemstone586 12

Apparently these ppl commenting have never been truly alone. Where there's no one to call and you've eaten the last 100 meals alone and you get tired of being alone and even if no one else does, you know how terribly pitiful you feel, being alone once again.... I always just played on my cell phone to make it look like i was doing something important, even if i was only playing word search.... Fyl, OP. :/ Try online dating? Worked for me...

jw90 18

A lot of people know the pain of being alone. Others deal differently. But sometimes you've just got to suck it up and actually do something to change it. Cuz doing nothing gets you nowhere.