Forever alone

By FriutlessApple - 11/10/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, feeling bored and lonely, I drove into town to wander around the shops and go to Subway for lunch. While there, I picked up two trays and put one on the opposite side of the table, along with some of my rubbish, to make it look like I was with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 558
You deserved it 11 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

narkill 13

Since when are people so obsessed about trying to impress random strangers? Who cares if you're alone or with someone?


olpally 32

McDonald's is better. I go to a lot of places by myself, not that big of a deal.

perdix 29

#27, just as long as you didn't brag to your coworkers about your hot date at a fancy restaurant, Chili's ;)

olpally 32

I don't have a lot to brag about to begin with, perdix ;) haha.

If you act like you have someone with you when you really don't, you're never going to make friends. The people around you that notice you are pretending to have a friend are gonna think that you're trying to not be bothered or that you're crazy. The people that really believe you have someone with you are going to assume they shouldn't encroach on your time with someone you know. There are nice people in the world that would sit with you or talk to you because they saw you alone.

Humans aren't solitary creatures. Sure some prefer solitude, but being alone all the time can wear a person down.

honestly, this is one of the most dark and depressive fml ever.. and I don't have any advice for you coz I am going through that stage myself. this sucks..

The people have spoken, it's ok to be alone at times. Its more embarrassing to pretend to be with someone than to be alone.

Nobody cares if you eat alone OP, so getting the trays was unnecessary. I do it all the time, despite the fact that I hang out with people regularly as well. Sometimes it is good to be alone for a while.

tehdarkness 21

Sometimes I prefer to go eat alone! Just because I am hungry doesn't mean it has to be a big production!

ulissey_fml 22

Try getting a job. That sorts of keeps you busy.