Forever alone

By FriutlessApple - 11/10/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom

Today, feeling bored and lonely, I drove into town to wander around the shops and go to Subway for lunch. While there, I picked up two trays and put one on the opposite side of the table, along with some of my rubbish, to make it look like I was with someone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 558
You deserved it 11 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

narkill 13

Since when are people so obsessed about trying to impress random strangers? Who cares if you're alone or with someone?


the video camera in subway can not be fooled!!

Being lonely with rubbish is probably worse than just being by yourself

Why would you do that? There's nothing wrong with grabbing a little lunch by yourself. You care far too much what strangers think of you.

but ppl around you who saw that knew you were alone..

Here's the thing. Your life is not that pathetic. You just THINK it is. Stop worrying about what strangers are going to think, and you will be a lot happier.

Wouldn't people figure out you're by yourself eventually? There is no shame in eating alone.

GoodLookingGeese 10

Dear OP, I'll give you an advice. Start doing something productive. Successful people have as many friends as they wish. No one wants to be with bored losers. Sorry if I offended you with my comment but the truth is that it absolutely lays in your hands. So grow balls and do something productive, someday you might be great at it and you'll see you're never ever alone again. Good luck

tehdarkness 21