
By notacaveman - 16/04/2013 13:27 - Netherlands

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she had drunkenly slept with another guy last night. Since she seemed genuinely upset, and had confessed right away, I decided to forgive her the slip-up. She then angrily broke up with me, because "if I really loved her, I would've been more angry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 335
You deserved it 13 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SynysterNero 20

She sounds like a bitch anyway. Plenty of other women out there.

Sir_ND_Pity 35


HeadlessSparrow 20

All is well that ends well. I'm saying this because if your girlfriend was that irrational and self-centered, you deserve better and with her out of the scene you can find someone that is worth your time. Sorry OP

Wizardo 33

Seriously, bitches be trippin', society is being warped by the depiction of what a relationship is by Hollywood. Girls want guys to fight for them after THEY cheat? Makes soooo much sense.

Wizardo 33

Well by film, music and culture, not just Hollywood, don't want to name just ONE thing, need to name ALL the things.

Girls want guys to fight for them under every circumstance. I had a girlfriend that was breaking up with me, bawling and completely unstable. She was so confused by the calm and comforting attitude I had. Later, she admitted that she was upset I didn't fight for her because she wasn't sure she wanted to break up, but conflicted about our relationship. To reiterate what you just said, bitches be trippin'.

I really wish my ex didn't fight for me when I broke up with him. It almost got to the point where it was harassment. He called me all the time trying to make me feel guilty for leaving him, and even told one of our mutual friends that he was confident I would go back to him. Eventually I just started ignoring his calls. I mean, I would have been hurt if he wasn't sad at all, but it would have been much easier if he just let me go from the beginning and not try make me doubt myself.

She should have been greatful that you forgave her for something so inexcusable.

If she loved you she wouldn't have "drunkly slept" with someone else.

There aren't many guys like you left out there OP. You deserve better. Sounds like she wants someone to yell at her.

RedPillSucks 31

Actually, there's lots of guys like that out there. People just have to look in the right places instead of always chasing after the "bad boys" then trying to change them later.

True. I don't know why women chase bad boys and try to change them. Wounded bird syndrome maybe? By the way, I like your username :)

You seem like such a good guy! Fyl OP. she should be grateful you didn't dump her!