
By notacaveman - 16/04/2013 13:27 - Netherlands

Today, my girlfriend confessed that she had drunkenly slept with another guy last night. Since she seemed genuinely upset, and had confessed right away, I decided to forgive her the slip-up. She then angrily broke up with me, because "if I really loved her, I would've been more angry." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 335
You deserved it 13 478

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SynysterNero 20

She sounds like a bitch anyway. Plenty of other women out there.

Sir_ND_Pity 35


She wanted you to break up with her, silly. But no, you had to go and be understanding and non-judgemental. Seriously though, you're probably way better off.

How in the hell is being drunk a good enough excuse for cheating!? Your fault for forgiving so easily...

I wish my ex had reacted like you did. :(

Always consider this might be a manipulation test- she may (in my experience) be lying to see if you "really love her enough" to be upset by it. Some women are evil after all.

So she would make up such a dumb lie that would make her look like a ***** and would also endanger their relationship just for her to "test" him?? :rolleyes:

Atchoo 8

You deserved it. And by that I mean that you deserve to be free of a bitch like that. You're far too compassionate to waste your time with someone so unstable.

Wow.. What the hell? She cheats on you, and then bitches at you for how well you handle it? She is ******* awful.

Lesson learned: your girlfriend cheats on you, you dump her immediately.

Thatsjank 5

When your drunk, you tell the truth and are more focused. She knew what she was doing.

This is just like that episode of Big Bang Theory where Priya confesses that she slept with her ex, only you and your ex were better at this.