Founding father

By YouAssholes - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Anaheim

Today, my band members and I were brainstorming ideas to help increase our fanbase. My drummer suggested they replace me for someone attractive. Everyone agreed and now they're trying to kick me out of the band I started. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 322
You deserved it 3 888

Top comments

Bands can be pettier then middle school girls. Amazing how a close group working towards a common goal turn on each other if things aren't perfect.

For someone attractive? Really? Make your music attractive, fans will follow.


There's a difference between the music business and entertainment business...

They are not allowed to do that, if they try kick them all out and it doesn't matter if you're attractive or not, it matters about the music.

"Started the band" doesn't really count for much.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, if you're the creative talent in the band, screw them and start a new band. If you're more of the manager type, they'll probably still fall apart if you leave, and you can still start a new band.

XBurytheCastleX 25

I bet they will get you back. My band likes to kick me out all of the time because of tiny disagreements and other stupid stuff.

Sounds like a Steve Jobs situation.But,look where being kicked out of Apple get him in the end.

well its for the best of the band and you know you could always just go start an ugly band.

If they don't want you in the band do you really want to be in it? Take the name and move on to your next band.

OP, search with Google for "10 Ugly Rockers". Many musicians were successful in spite of their looks. There are many beautiful singers who only sound good after production. The truth is revealed when you hear them sing live.

"YouAssholes" may just be the perfect name for the new band you may or may not be creating in the near or distant future. Hell, the genre of music you are involved in, could fit with the name as well. Good Luck OP.