Founding father

By YouAssholes - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Anaheim

Today, my band members and I were brainstorming ideas to help increase our fanbase. My drummer suggested they replace me for someone attractive. Everyone agreed and now they're trying to kick me out of the band I started. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 322
You deserved it 3 888

Top comments

Bands can be pettier then middle school girls. Amazing how a close group working towards a common goal turn on each other if things aren't perfect.

For someone attractive? Really? Make your music attractive, fans will follow.


Remember them you started it. Wouldn't be fair if they kick you out. And I'm sure you look beautiful OP. Good voice > appereance

I think you mean remind them not remember them.

Everyone. This is the story of School of Rock!

I guess they want to cut the dead weight! Plus girls are easier on the eyes!

JMichael 25

If that's truly the case OP go for a solo act. You might be more successful.

We will make our own band with black jack and hookers... Forget the band!

You need to stand your ground op and let them know they if they don't stop being assholes you will find better people for the band.!

Pfft. There are plenty of successful bands with ugly frontmen! The Rolling Stones, for example.

maybe tell your band mates to make better music.

Goblin182 26

What's the band called? Ill look you guys up!(: