Freaked out

By scarredforlife - 03/10/2015 01:13 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, after taking my little niece out onto the balcony of her family's new apartment to enjoy the view, we watched as a man jaywalked across the street down below and was run over by a car. My niece is pretty much traumatized for life now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 401
You deserved it 1 647

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that is why you always look both ways.

He really tried to leave his mark on the world... and the pavement.


Mover #1: "You hit that guy!" Happy Gilmore: "He shouldn't have been standing there!"

Was this in Michigan??? I saw a body in the middle of the road last night and heard it was from someone jay walking :(

Red_Curls1995 28

Holy crap where? I live in Michigan too but I haven't heard anything

lexiieeex3 32

On the plus side, she will never jay-walk in her adult life.

This is WHY street corners exist. I feel bad for the guy, but that's his fault entirely.

"Today, I jay-walked the street and got ran over. Karma, eh? FML" even though almost everyone jaywalks, the guy was an idiot for not checking where hes running.

The driver of that car will be traumatised too

Yep! I accidentally hit a teen on a bike because he went across the street when he didn't have a walk sign. Entirely his fault but I was so traumatized by the event I had to completely re-learn how to drive because of the panic attacks and somewhat PTSD I had while driving afterwards. It took about 6 months before I would even touch the wheel again. I can't imagine what I would have been like had he been hurt even more than he was. Look after yourself too, OP. Seeing stuff like that cause really leave a mark on you emotionally.

Maybe use that as a teaching lesson for your niece and explain that is why it is important to look both ways when crossing the road and to use crosswalks. Do you know if the guy is just injured or was killed?

So many insensitive jokes being made, smh

addioty 19

The man was an idiot and got what he deserved.

The driver and jaywalker are both responsible, everyone makes mistakes

Mortoli 30

the driver no where near responsible unless he/she was speeding, or was supposed to stop, either way not their fault. as for the guy he really shouldnt be doing that. but i have to drive by a spot to get to work where people do it frequently.. these idiots walk across the street even when cars coming towards making us stop... sometimes i just wanna keep going lol