Free healthcare, now!

By Anonymous - 13/08/2021 10:02

Today, I flew to America for my dad's funeral. I broke my vials of insulin and went to a pharmacy for a refill. No one told me they charge for insulin in America. One vial cost 270 dollars, the funeral is three days away and after booking a hotel, I have 6 dollars to feed myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 847
You deserved it 234

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sorry that the USA’s healthcare system costs was such a shock to you. I hope that someone in your family is able to help you out with the costs. As bad as this was for you, the FML is really for those of us born into this ridiculous healthcare system. We have to either have expensive health insurance and co-insurance (insurance that covers the cost your primary insurance doesn’t pay) and expensive co-pays or be stuck paying the full price for all medical procedures and prescriptions. I have read that one of the biggest causes of bankruptcy in the USA is a major medical emergency in the family.


FakeFriendMagnet 1

Welcome to America. Our health system is awful because our government hates anyone who's not filthy rich.

go to any emergency room they should help you don't worry about the bill your gonna be out of the states soon enough