
By sarahhh - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I got my boyfriend a pair of concert tickets for his birthday. He loved the gift, but turned to me and said, "Do I have to bring you?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 214
You deserved it 3 648

Top comments

If he said it jokingly then it should be no big deal. Maybe he knows you don`t like the band and would like to save you the boredom.

juturnaamo 29

why is this a FYL? If I bought my BF 50 cent tickets, I would expect him to bring one of his guy friends, not me.


exactly king awesomeNESS (make sure you change that lol) seriously, if he has that disgusted o.0 look then he's an ASSHOLE. if it was a sincere question then sure, he cares.

Killings 0

That makes no sense. HE should dump her because HE asked a question that seems very rude?

not only are you a dumbshit for not being able to reply to the post above you, instead creating your own, but he needs a girlfriend that can communicate properly, was the point.

If he said it jokingly then it should be no big deal. Maybe he knows you don`t like the band and would like to save you the boredom.

maybe he would enjoy the concert more with a guy friend?

nmktgr 0

yeah, maybe he thought you wouldn't like the band and wanted to spare you the boredom :)

midnightlime 0

Hahahahaha daym, after he said that you should have said, "Oh wait i got the wrong birthday, this was for my other boyfriend."

bambi_fml 0

LMAO, i agree with midnightlime

Mexicana243 0

Lmao. thats so bogus xD i woulda smacked'em

CaptainCasual 0

Did he say it that way, or did you hear it that way? Also, what kind of concert...