Freudian slip

By guaranteed service - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wrote an e-mail to a friend stating how hot my client was. I waited for her response, but received a response from my client stating, "I would readdress this accordingly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 329
You deserved it 35 797

Top comments

perdix 29

"Thanks, but I'd prefer you to undress accordingly ;) Rawr! " You're screwed, so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory.


Hey, being professional is all in your ability to hide feelings. You could just text next time.

That would make things better... How? It's just as easy to text the wrong person (if not easier) as it is to email them.

Your lucky your client didn't accidentally email you instead of their friend about how creepy you are.

LO388 7

One of your "yours" is correct and one is not. Can you guess which is which?

Either I give a shit, or I don't. Can you guess which one?

It'd have been just as bad if the guy emailed back “Thank you. My wife thinks I'm hot too.”

Hehehe I love the response. I read it in an accent :D

I can't decide between Hugh Grant's accent or Sean Connery's...

zuzupetalsYO 11

Now if a man had done this to a woman, it would be considered harassment. However, this guy obviously took the compliment for what it was - a compliment. Good for him for not being an over-sensitive dick.

007type 26

Not last time I checked. Why would you ask that?

Because he's obviously new here, and possibly retarded, Doc.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17
007type 26

36-Haha.... I failed to understand your comment. had to read again, NOW I get it and feel like a complete complete MORON. And guys, 40 and 38, take it easy buddies, that was a mistake. Peace. Out.

Wouldve been cooler if you said "yoda i am, run i must go". No?..... Ok:c

007type - WAIT JUST ONE SECOND! Did you just take responsibility for a mistake and own up to it? I'm afraid that sort of behaviour is not allowed here. You must instead insist that your sister stole your iPod and posted that comment, or that it was autocorrect's fault, or that your dog ate your homework. You should be ashamed of yourself.

Yeah, there seems to be quite the double standard going on. It needs to stop.

#19, I'm a woman, and I would have responded similarly. It's about being professional.

Isa_fml 20

Same here. It's not a crime for a dude to be attracted to me--it's his behaviour that makes the difference. If I'd been in that situation I'd have done the same.

legal371 5

Wow. Next time, check who your sending it to, or just txt lol much easier

astralvagan 20

It could have been much worse. You could have accidentally forwarded it to everyone in your office.... That would have been unfortunate. But, hopefully, lesson learned and next time you'll proofread everything before hitting send

b_rad_fml 4

Wow. I don't know what line of business you're in, but if you don't know to whom you're sending inappropriate emails before you proofread the message AND the recipient address, you obviously don't pay attention to details, and you'll be lucky to be in that business for very long. Totally YDI here.

fyreprincess 3

good gracious. how unprofessional. I sincerely hope you don't work in the human services field.