Freudian slip

By guaranteed service - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wrote an e-mail to a friend stating how hot my client was. I waited for her response, but received a response from my client stating, "I would readdress this accordingly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 329
You deserved it 35 797

Top comments

perdix 29

"Thanks, but I'd prefer you to undress accordingly ;) Rawr! " You're screwed, so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory.


constipatedlady 0

Attention to detail much? This is ridiculous. This is why you don't use your business email for personal things. How hard is it to just open another tab and use your personal email? That wouldn't auto populate with a client! YDI

Always double check anything you send that you wouldn't want someone other than the person you're trying to send it to to see.

challan 19

If you can't even email correctly, your client is pretty much screwed. Well done, Einstein!

CountDuk 5

I never understand how people manage to send messages to the wrong people so easily. It's called double-checking; try it sometime.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

At least it was a compliment.

pittyfinny 4
mrsmaglietta 6