Freudian slip

By guaranteed service - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I wrote an e-mail to a friend stating how hot my client was. I waited for her response, but received a response from my client stating, "I would readdress this accordingly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 329
You deserved it 35 797

Top comments

perdix 29

"Thanks, but I'd prefer you to undress accordingly ;) Rawr! " You're screwed, so you might as well go out in a blaze of glory.


captainObviously 15

Guaranteed success! Good luck not having an office complaint filed. Or loosing the client.

The_F3rris 11
TheDrifter 23

Well, he's not mad. It's pretty much Guaranteed he will let you Service him in the future. May I suggest a silk and leather number for your next meeting?

Why didn't you make double check the name and address you were sending the email to?

Rocky007 15

Your lucky if you can learn from a mistake. You are doubly-lucky, you learned 2 things. 1 Always proofread. 2. He's not into you.

ElhonnaDS 10

I call BS. You absolutely sent it to him on purpose, and made it look like you were sending it to a friend. Honestly, what are the odds that his e-mail is so similar to the one friend who you'd want to have this discussion with that it auto-completed with the other person's e-mail? I think you wanted your client to know you had a thing for him, and wanted a fail-safe in case they got offended, so you could say "OMG- I'm so sorry, I meant to send that to someone else. I wasn't actually hitting on you." In junior high, note "accidentally" end up in the wrong lockers, and people "accidentally" text their crush that they like them, when they "meant to" text someone else. Seems you didn't feel that needed to be left behind when coming to the workplace.

ElhonnaDS 10

Oops- looks like I was not aware of all of the posting rules. I will say then that it might be a good idea to take extra care when the e-mail of the person you are sending an email to is close enough to the e-mail of the person you're sending the e-mail about, that one could auto-complete as the other.

captainburke 5

You never know, this could be good for business!

Depends on what sort of business you want to be in...

Don't think any man wouldn't take it as a compliment, so I wouldn't worry about it.