Freudian slip

By Daria_Weiner - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Russian Federation

Today, at my anniversary party, and in front of all our friends, I accidentally called my husband-to-be by my ex-boyfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 577
You deserved it 49 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

littlemissFYL 5

**** did I say live? *Awaits thumbs downs* *Cries in corner*


kappacka 0

Ah, the dreaded Freudian slip... Now everyone knows who you've really been thinking of this whole time

guitargoddess89 3

lol! dang I was gonna say something like that. just wanted a chance to use my college education and not let my psychology classes go to waste. but I agree with you :)

famesetmatch1234 0

How was it your anniversary party if he's only your husband-to-be? That makes absolutely no sense. YDI

that my dear is what we call a Freudian slip!

Zing about the Daria weiners-boners ^_^

OriginalPooh01 0

Aww shit that's terrible. YDI for having your ex-boyfriend on your mind during your anniversary! XD

thinkucandance 0

Maybe she meant to put engagement party? But that would be pretty sad if she didn't know the kind of party it was on top of not knowing his name... LOL

bzett 0

slick..... Atleast you didn't put it on the cake!