Freudian slip

By Daria_Weiner - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Russian Federation

Today, at my anniversary party, and in front of all our friends, I accidentally called my husband-to-be by my ex-boyfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 577
You deserved it 49 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

littlemissFYL 5

**** did I say live? *Awaits thumbs downs* *Cries in corner*


That is not an anniversary if you aren't married... anniversaries between two people were meant for married people to celebrate their years of marriage, commitment and love for each other. But I do congratulate you on engagement! Although, YDI for using your ex-boyfriends name... those things don't just slip, saying it slipped is just an excuse because that would mean that everyone could say for any given reason that it "just slipped".

WTF.... I was specific you idiot!! I have been married twice for your information. I said "BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE". Read past comments... they agree with me. My 8 year old son even thinks that an anniversary between two people are for married people and I wasn't even teaching him that. Anniversaries an annual... and if it take that long to get married, than there are some serious issues and not very good jobs. Why don't you take a good long look at reality and stop referring to the internet... open a book and look it up. You're just proving how stupid you are from your comment...

zachjones45314 0

lucky he didn't smack u lol jk

Vaginabutter 15

I think wiener here meant engagement party

yeah, but OP seems too brain dead to think of it as an engagement party if she claimed it to be an anniversary party for a non-existant anniversary.

Madiluvsyuh98 2
Vaginabutter 15

she may not have one either

Why were you having an anniversary party if your not married???

An anniversary is the celebration of an important (or meaningless, for that matter) event the year previous. Not just weddings. Example: Today is the anniversary of my first concert whilst being in a band. Example two: Today is my fiancee and I's third anniversary. We have been together 3 years, today. Example Three: You all are silly, thinking only weddings can have anniversaries.

*anniversary party* is the celebration blah blah.

im sort of convinced that any1 who thought "anniversary" can only b for married people is a bit slow. which is half the people who commented?