Freudian slip

By Daria_Weiner - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Russian Federation

Today, at my anniversary party, and in front of all our friends, I accidentally called my husband-to-be by my ex-boyfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 577
You deserved it 49 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

littlemissFYL 5

**** did I say live? *Awaits thumbs downs* *Cries in corner*


keechigai 0

lol I dl that when I'm drunk hehe

id bug the **** out. actually happened to me once... not a good feelin wen my ex called me by her ex's name during sex.

s10biker 1

your an idiot! I hope he leaves you

small_bar_101 0
catharsis5 9

i think the question everyone has missed is why were you having an anniversary party?

HansHansen 8

I hope he already dumped you.

kayluhhweezy 0

ahahahahahahahahahaha aw yeah eff your life /: