Friend in need

By Anonymous - 01/08/2024 22:00 - Mongolia - Ulan Bator

Today, I'm literally obsessed with one boy. I've been crushing on him for more than a year now and yet he still decided to reject me. I have been rejected like four times by now, so I don't think this is love anymore, it's definitely more like a obsession or something. I've lost so many people just because of him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 82
You deserved it 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That boy has every right to say no and expect you to honour that. You need to talk to a mental health worker as soon as possible.

GoogieWithers 22

I think you need to move on. He has told you that he isn't interested.


GoogieWithers 22

I think you need to move on. He has told you that he isn't interested.

That boy has every right to say no and expect you to honour that. You need to talk to a mental health worker as soon as possible.

It's obviously time to move on. This will not end the way you think it will.

He can't be that great, do you just hate to be denied and told no? I don't believe that you truuly want him for him when he doesn't want you for you. He's not for you, find someone who is. If you keep looking at him you're not going to find the person who's for you.

Let's play a game. I'll hide and you'll seek professional help.

TomeDr 24

You haven’t lost people in your life “because of him”. You’ve lost people in your life because of YOU! Please get counseling.