Fun times

By KeepinItInTheFamily - 28/10/2018 05:00

Today, my future sister-in-law told me that not only will I have to host her bachelorette party at my new, still under construction house, but she has also booked a sex consultant to come and give a toy presentation. There's a $350 minimum spend. Only 5 people are coming, 4 of which are family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 254
You deserved it 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're not the Maid of Honor, tell her to go **** herself with one of the $350 sex toys. If you are the Maid of Honor, well... buckle up, buckaroo.

Tell her no. And tell her you’re not shopping for sex toys in front of your family. Seriously, just tell her ******* no. Even if she wants those things, it doesn’t have to be at your house and you can make it clear from the get go that you’re not part of her minimum spend.


screwyousideways 17

even if you're the maid of honor, that's bullshit. she can host her own damn shower if she's going to be like that. *shudder* I can't imagine that

On the plus side you can drink as much as you want (and you'll probably want shot a lot to get through this) and not have to worry about how you're getting home.

Say no! Family or not, she has no right to just demand your space like that.

Deez_Knots 10

Dang. $350 for sex toys. I’m in the wrong business

There's a word I'm thinking of here. It starts with N and ends with O. She cannot force you to do jack shit, especially not in your own home.

ViviMage 38

Nacho, Navajo, neutrino, nonghetto, nonzero, numero, nitro, nontobacco, nuncio? Oh! It's much shorter than these!

onceuponatime456 16

Tell your brother to grow a set and reign in bridezilla. If that doesn't work tell the future sister-in-law to go f*ck herself!

Well, if the sex consultant is worth a shit, everyone is coming!

Emma Marshall 19 tell her no? You don't 'have to' do shit!