Gardener's World

By Anonymous - 13/07/2022 14:00 - United States - Denver

Today, my dad was pissed and more concerned about his tomato plant being broken than the fact that I'd just tripped over it and hurt my knee. According to him, “It’s the best tomato plant we have.” Thanks for the concern dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 488
You deserved it 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Accidents happen to the best of us. Yes it's a shame the tomato plant was broken but a new one can be grown. OP watches more carefully where they are going, Dad plants a new tomato plant, life goes on. If Dad presses the issue, OP can offer to pay for supplies for the new crop.

You have two knees, he has one "best" tomato plant.


A good tomato plant is a good tomato plant.

Ironically, your avatar is appropriate to this post. From a certain angle it looks like a pair of ripe tomatoes.

You have two knees, he has one "best" tomato plant.

You do have two eyes? .. why did you not look where you going, why did you trip?. I'd be bloody annoyed too. Trip on your own terms. Also tomatoes are expensive, I'd die for a good plant. I would have locked you out or sent you to farm life. You deserve it. You didn't look where you stepped, you didn't make sure your path was clear, you destroyed somebody else property and then you felt entitled to be a priority over a hobbies because of knee. Is you knew borken? Just bruised. You know how long tomato plants grow, the best ones. You would have to kill a whole leg and maybe snap a tooth.

Accidents happen to the best of us. Yes it's a shame the tomato plant was broken but a new one can be grown. OP watches more carefully where they are going, Dad plants a new tomato plant, life goes on. If Dad presses the issue, OP can offer to pay for supplies for the new crop.