By Anonymous - 19/09/2011 08:35 - Malaysia

Today, while in heavy traffic on the highway, a motorcyclist managed to t-bone my car. He picked himself up, glanced at the side of my car, and quickly drove off, all in the space of a few seconds. I just got an expensive paint job on this thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 841
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are idiots. SHIT!

Usually in those situations you call the police.


Usually in those situations you call the police.

This is a case where if you have a gun you chase him down and shoot him

Yes, because murder is completely acceptable after a hit and run.

Yeah, but with the whole heavy traffic situation, a police car following a motorcycle is nearly impossible. This is Malaysia were talking about here. They are famous for their traffic. Besides that, I think close to 80% of their traffic is some type of motorcycle/moped. Good luck to the police trying to find the guy who hit you with a statistic like that.

starian240990 0

23- not 80%, i must say 20-30. You would know if you have been to Malaysia

v1kt4r 13

Agreed! wtf **** kind of statistic is "80% of their traffic is bikes or mopeds" GTFOHWTBS

Call the police anyway there might be a witness or CCTV that can help

upload, post, write, add, inscribe, submit, engrish is hard

Are you? Uploading is the process of sending information from the local client to the server.

FYLDeep 25

Freeze just uploaded some logic to this conversation.

And you just uploaded an observation, while I just did too.

vibeplayer1112 0

This actually happened a little while ago. It takes a little while for an FML to get posted due to moderation. In the time he actually wrote to now they could have investigated and got the guy.

Are you retarded? You're still uploading information to the server by submitting, posting comments etc. You just don't call it that.

Welcome to Malaysia. Just take down his plate number and bribe the policeman and everything will be taken care of.

starian240990 0

You are an idiot!! People like you would never make corruption stops!!! Even if the police ask for the money, you shouldn't give! If you do, then you are equally dumb as **** and should be arrested!! **** off bloody ******! Idiot guy! Regardless ofyour nationality but stop ruining the world!

I hate to interrupt your rage sir. However, I believe that may have been a joke. That's when you say (or type) something in an effort to be funny. Feel free to rage delete now.

Oh my god! Id be so pissed. Deffinitely still call the police and see if they can do anything,

I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. I will NOT say anything bad about motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are idiots. SHIT!

I thought doctors called motorcyclists organ donors.. They do here :)

yourlifesfucked 0
AngelLove251987 0

It's kind of hard to believe on this one, if biker t-bone u, he wouldn't be able to ride off. Just saying

AngelLove251987 0

And oh, u can't pick up bike in one second either.