Get It Together By FML Videos - 21/11/2018 00:30 We can't even give an A for effort... I agree, your life sucks 227 You deserved it 101 Share Tweet Share
Today, while chatting with my in-laws, I told them about my upcoming spinal surgery. Soon after, when I went to get us some drinks, I overheard them murmuring about how many surgeries I've already had, how I'm a drain on the healthcare system, and how I should ideally just die. FML I agree, your life sucks 37 824 You deserved it 2 653
Today, at work at an OB office, I heard a ruckus in the hallway before a very large woman burst into my room and tried to attack my very pregnant patient. Crazy lady is the wife of the pregnant lady’s baby daddy, who is nowhere to be found. I don’t get paid enough for this shit. FML I agree, your life sucks 534 You deserved it 69
Today, I saw an old man who needed help crossing the street. I went over to him and helped him across the street. When he thanked me, I said, "No problem, sir." They responded by hitting me in the happy sacks and screaming that they were a woman. FML I agree, your life sucks 25 990 You deserved it 7 257
Today, I found out the German I've been learning for nearly a month is a dialect only spoken by people in a small area of the country. This means I'll need to re-learn most of what I thought I knew. FML I agree, your life sucks 13 510 You deserved it 1 988
Today, I went to Hooters for lunch. My food was brought to me by a man. FML I agree, your life sucks 29 633 You deserved it 16 893
Today, I almost got our office burned down by plugging the wrong charger into a laptop cooling fan. Tried to hide the incident and kept it casual but the smoke detector led it to my area and everyone knew I was the culprit. I'm a new hire too. FML I agree, your life sucks 12 322 You deserved it 3 970
Today, after my shift at the hospital ended, I happened to look into a full-length mirror. My new scrubs turned out to be see-through. Instead of my undies, everyone got a good look at my cellulite-ridden ass. Fan-fucking-tastic day to wear a thong. FML I agree, your life sucks 41 577 You deserved it 18 558
Today, several of my apartment complex neighbors walked right by me as I struggled to clean the inches thick, icy snow off of my SUV. I’m 4’11. Not one person offered to assist me, even after I slipped and fell several times. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 563 You deserved it 2 309
Not even trying
Funnyman has no idea how to control his balls